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Save Caffeinated Dragon Games

  • At the end, thank you

      9 September 2024
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    Our Givealittle campaign has come to an end.

    While shy of the target the support has been amazing and we have raised enough to help relocate, destination TBD.

    The actual dollar amount, while important, is not the reason why Richmond smiles now.

    148 people were able to donate. That is 148 reasons to be thankful, 148 reasons to relocate away from the mess across the road, 148 reasons to keep serving good coffee and great games.

    148 people, regulars, visitors, suppliers, supporters, people we are grateful to.

    148 reasons to give back to the community as we have been given to as soon as we can.

    That doesn't even count the people who have given informal donations in store. Throw in the continued goodwill and comments both online and in person we think we can multiply that 148 by, precisely, a lot.

    Thank you all.

    That is why Richmond smiles, that is why we are determined to continue onwards.

    If you still want to give we do have a donation option at our online store, any additional boost is much appreciated.

    Thank you all people of Wellington, New Zealand, and anywhere else for helping in our time of need.

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  • One Final Push…

      31 August 2024
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    We’d like to ask for one (hopefully) final push from the community. We’ve gathered the minimum funds to move (location TBA, but we have some good options up our sleeves). Initial outlooks are good regarding our survival for the coming months, but we’d like to make our space as habitable as possible upon our re-re-opening.

    In a lot of ways, we’re starting from scratch, a new location, with less than the ideal amount of stock and equipment (don’t worry, the Games Library isn’t shrinking, if anything it’s growing).

    All the same, coming with more experience after ten years of running our little corner in the hobby world and revitalised by your support, we have a whole host of new ideas that will allow us to grow into the new space.

    Like a phoenix we will rise again, less than what we were and growing into something more.

    We appreciate your support - whether that be spreading the word about our situation or contributing to our ongoing fundraiser. The ongoing support has been truly heartwarming to see, and we look forward to seeing you at our new location in the near future!

    Just a few things we’ll be using the funds for:



    New furniture


    Food for our lovely staff to keep them fuelled during the move and subsequent stocktake

    We look forward to seeing you in our new shop once we re-re-open in the coming months!

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  • Update on what we'll do

      2 August 2024

    Hi all, where does the time go, sorry about the lack of an update.

    We do however have something to update, and that is things we'll do should we raise the funding necessary to move.

    Short version: More for the community. Youth, LGBTQ+, Charities, we will do more. Not because we must or because we should, but because with a new space we can do so.

    All of it is in the latest store blog:

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  • Giving back as we can

      29 June 2024

    Hi all,

    Perhaps you've seen our social media update, it's long, but the short of it, the part we're proud of, is we donated several games, free coffee cards and free passes to our Games Library to Ronald McDonald House Wellington.

    We've always given where we could, and now we're in trouble we feel it's more important than ever to give to the community what we can while we can.

    Stay tuned for more updates, and more hard work from us to build a better community despite of outside events.

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  • Thank you for the generosity

      25 June 2024

    Hi all,

    Sorry for no updates, we've been a bit busy trying to cope with the latest round of noise. Approximately 90 decibels for 5 hours is the current record as the video can attest.

    We're working on more updates and something special. We're grateful for the support, both here and in store, so want to make sure everyone knows they're appreciated.

    Please standby for more updates shortly, and again, thank you, because we can't say it enough.


    The Caffeinated Dragon Team

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