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Celebrating Caity

$6,902 donated
Given by 158 generous donors in around 6 months

Help us give Caity an amazing 21st and ensure that this brain tumor doesn't get in the way of her enjoying the best moments in life.


On Wednesday morning, our friend Caity had an MRI scan and found out she has brain cancer. Not a lot is known at the moment, but she is meeting with a neurologist on Tuesday fortnight to discuss surgery options and where to from here.

There's two thoughts at this point: Firstly, the tumor could be a metastasis of the cancer Caity had in her kidney last year. If the cancer is a secondary cancer, and if everything goes well with removal and treatment, the doctor is predicting a life expectancy of about 5-6 years.

Or, the tumor could be a primary tumour that has started in her brain. If this is the case, then it’s most likely a glioblastoma, which is an extremely fast growing, aggressive brain tumour, and the life expectancy is much shorter - about 12-18 months.

Either option is a pretty unthinkable outcome for a twenty-year old girl who has been planning her 21st birthday party and her big OE to Canada. Caity has had to put both of these dreams on hold as she waits to find out what the immediate future looks like for her now.

Caity is facing the news head-on with kindness and grace, which is how she faces everything, but we'd like to help where we can. These funds would be used to ensure that Caity can celebrate her life with her loved ones around her, whenever works for her and regardless of her treatment.

Caity is a gorgeous, generous and caring friend, daughter and girlfriend. She loves her job as an emergency call taker for Wellington Free Ambulance but already she's had to stop working the night shift as the stress of shift work can exacerbate her symptoms. This early on, Caity has already been told she cannot drive, and her loved ones have been informed of how to respond if she has a seizure. Caity's life has been flipped upside down and we want to ensure that she can still enjoy the beautiful moments that young life has to offer. Any left over funds will be used to give Caity the items or experiences she needs to have the best quality of life.

Thank you for helping Caity to celebrate her life.

Lucy Coombes' involvement (page creator)

Caity is our friend and we want to help her enjoy the best moments life has to offer.

Use of funds

The funds raised will be used to ensure Caity can have a 21st celebration with all the people she loves, whenever works for her. Any left over funds will go towards things and experiences that improve the quality of her young life.

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The best news - a message from Caity!  18 July 2019

After a 9+ hour craniotomy to remove the tumor, a new hair do and a bit of a scary wait for biopsy results, Caity has the BEST news to share below:


"Full biopsy is in!

It’s a grade 1 pilocytic astrocytoma, a very slow growing, non aggressive brain cancer (less aggressive than my kidney cancer).

It’s been there for an estimated 10 years! It’s not hereditary- I created it all on my own like the strong, independent woman I am!

It could come back, but not aggressively or quickly and can be taken out through another craniotomy.

!!!!!!I have a normal life expectancy!!!!!!!!

I’m being referred to a geneticist to test for any genetic disorder.

If I have a genetic disorder it would explain why I’ve had two different types of cancer. It also means that my body would continue to make more cancers which could change my life expectancy.

If I don’t have a genetic disorder then I’m just one hella unlucky gal, or I’m just desperate for attention 😉

Will know more about my treatment next Wednesday!"


I know that Caity is super grateful for everyone's generosity and is so happy with how something so scary has become something a little less life-stealing.

She will undergo targeted radiation therapy to treat the tumor site and kill any micro cells that could be lingering, and she says that once she's coping better with large groups and noisy places she will be planning her big 21st!


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Latest donations

Myles on 31 Jul 2019
Megs Sharpe
Megs Sharpe on 17 Jun 2019
Thelonius Reginald McDougal the II
Thelonius Reginald McDougal the II on 11 Jun 2019
Lucy on 10 Jun 2019
Bryer Oden
Bryer Oden on 06 Jun 2019

Who's involved?

Lucy Coombes's avatar
Created by Lucy Coombes
Caitlin Kane's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Caitlin Kane
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This campaign started on 24 May 2019 and ended on 24 Nov 2019.