The best news - a message from Caity!
18 July 2019After a 9+ hour craniotomy to remove the tumor, a new hair do and a bit of a scary wait for biopsy results, Caity has the BEST news to share below:
"Full biopsy is in!
It’s a grade 1 pilocytic astrocytoma, a very slow growing, non aggressive brain cancer (less aggressive than my kidney cancer).
It’s been there for an estimated 10 years! It’s not hereditary- I created it all on my own like the strong, independent woman I am!
It could come back, but not aggressively or quickly and can be taken out through another craniotomy.
!!!!!!I have a normal life expectancy!!!!!!!!
I’m being referred to a geneticist to test for any genetic disorder.
If I have a genetic disorder it would explain why I’ve had two different types of cancer. It also means that my body would continue to make more cancers which could change my life expectancy.
If I don’t have a genetic disorder then I’m just one hella unlucky gal, or I’m just desperate for attention 😉
Will know more about my treatment next Wednesday!"
I know that Caity is super grateful for everyone's generosity and is so happy with how something so scary has become something a little less life-stealing.
She will undergo targeted radiation therapy to treat the tumor site and kill any micro cells that could be lingering, and she says that once she's coping better with large groups and noisy places she will be planning her big 21st!