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Chandrakirti Large Prayer Wheel

  • Mantras are arriving to Chandrakirti Centre

      29 July 2023
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    800 Trillion mantras on the zinc polyester foil have arrived – that’s the largest number of Mani Mantras in any prayer wheel on the planet!!

    This is very new technology and Chandrakirti Centre is one of the first prayer wheels to embody it. Big thanks to Ven Drachom from ABC for organizing the mantras and Norsam Technologies for producing the film.

    370 spools of Microfilm are arriving from Buddhist Microfilm in Oregon USA this month, contributing another 191 Billion mantras. 13 boxes have arrived so far.

    The Buddhas complete teachings the Kangyur in 100 volumes, Lama Tsong Khapas complete set of 18 texts, the 100,000 Prajnapramita sutra are on order from India.

    These are paper editions to fill the large space inside the prayer wheel drum.

    Here's a picture of us at Root Institute in Bodhgaya by the large prayer wheel - very similar to the one we are constructing.

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  • New mantra technology with Zinc Polyester allowing trillions of mantras to go into the prayer wheel

      26 November 2022
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    In the last 3 months new technology has emerged from Singapore, where the Mani mantras are etched into the zinc polyester material and wound into a spool, they are much smaller and hence more can be put into a smaller space. The Wheel will now be filled with Microfilm mantras, Zinc Poly mantras and Paper mantras and texts.

    Best thing is they are cheaper and so the goal is lowered to $80,000NZ! Very doable.

    Thank you to everyone who has supported the project to date, its truly amazing with immeasurable blessings to all.

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  • Chandrakirti Prayer Wheel

      13 September 2022

    Thank you so much for your amazing donations and millions and millions of prayers and blessings to you!

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  • Chandrakirti Prayer Wheel

      1 August 2022
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    We are now filling the wheel with microfilm mantras and offering you the opportunity to add millions of mantras.

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  • Prayer Wheel  for World Peace

      27 April 2021
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    Prayer Wheel Project continues...

    The next step is to get the decorative copper cover made in Nepal. It comes in 207 pieces and costs $29,000NZ including delivery. Good news is we a have a sponsor for 116 panels.

    Only 91 to go!

    Sponsor your own panel for $140 or purchase multiple panels.

    The panel sponsorship campaign will run for a month ending on Saka Dawa Day, May 26th.

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