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Chandrakirti Large Prayer Wheel

$27,155 of $80,000 goal
Given by 111 generous donors in 2 years

Help complete prayer wheel at Chandrakirti Center, by sponsoring the Buddhas texts and the completion of the prayer wheel drum engineering

Nelson / Tasman

We are in the final stages of completing the prayer wheel, the mantras have arrived to Chandrakirti Centre, enormous gratitude to all who sponsored the precious mantras.

We have 800 Trillion Mani mantras etched on the zinc polyester foil plus another 191 Billion on microfilm. The complete set of Buddhas teachings called the Kangyur in 100 volumes, Lama Tsong Khapas 18 volumes of teachings plus the 100,000 verse Prajnaparamita Sutra will be added on paper, they are ordered from India. The wheel will contain microfilm mantras, zinc poly mantras the paper texts.

Enormous blessings for the world , the environment and you personally.

Prayer Wheels stabilise the elements, pacify war, famine, disease, conflict and we sure do need this right now. The wheel will contain microfilm mantras, new zinc poly mantras as well as paper mantras and texts.

Brightwater Engineering are working on the final plans to enclose the top, bottom and sides of the prayer wheel drum and adding the decorative copper mantra plates to the outside.

Cost of Buddhist texts is $8500. Quotation to complete the detailed engineering is $31,000NZ.

We are looking to fill and complete the wheel this summer and we have 3 more months left to fundraise the $39,000.

We welcome you to be part of this incredibly meritorious project this is your last chance to involved in the prayer wheel and bringing more spiritual energy into the world formant generations to come.

About us

We provide a conducive environment for people to contact, study and deepen their understanding of the Buddhist path. We welcome live in, work and study volunteers.

The Centre provides a peaceful environment that can help many people to overcome suffering and achieve wisdom and happiness in their lives.

Use of funds

We are aiming for to build the prayer wheel drum!

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Latest update

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Mantras are arriving to Chandrakirti Centre  29 July 2023

800 Trillion mantras on the zinc polyester foil have arrived – that’s the largest number of Mani Mantras in any prayer wheel on the planet!!

This is very new technology and Chandrakirti Centre is one of the first prayer wheels to embody it. Big thanks to Ven Drachom from ABC for organizing the mantras and Norsam Technologies for producing the film.

370 spools of Microfilm are arriving from Buddhist Microfilm in Oregon USA this month, contributing another 191 Billion mantras. 13 boxes have arrived so far.

The Buddhas complete teachings the Kangyur in 100 volumes, Lama Tsong Khapas complete set of 18 texts, the 100,000 Prajnapramita sutra are on order from India.

These are paper editions to fill the large space inside the prayer wheel drum.

Here's a picture of us at Root Institute in Bodhgaya by the large prayer wheel - very similar to the one we are constructing.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Oct 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 Oct 2023
Om Mani Padme Hung
Susan on 26 Oct 2023
I am so happy to be able to help fulfill Lama Zopa Rinpoche wishes for this wonderful Prayer wheel. May all sentient being benefit. Ani Kunzang
Peter on 26 Oct 2023
Ron on 26 Oct 2023

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Chandrakirti Meditation Centre (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 22 Feb 2021 and ended on 28 Oct 2023.