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WOOHOO!! Destiny Rescue is 19!

$200 donated
Given by 2 generous donors in 6 weeks

Create your own fundraising event and set a challenge for yourself for the long weekend.


Child Rescue invites you to celebrate Destiny Rescue's 19 years of rescuing children and setting them free.

Child Rescue partners with Destiny Rescue International who are rescuing children from exploitation and sex trafficking and help them stay free.

We would love you to join us in recognising everything that our rescue and freedom operations have accomplished.

With the support of people like you

- We've rescued over 5400 children and young people.

- Established operations in 7 countries where child trafficking. and exploitation is rife: Philippines, Thailand, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Nepal, plus 2 undisclosed nations!

- Made 184 Raids. Caused 172 arrests.

- Raised supporters across New Zealand, Australia, & USA.

FUNDRAISE for Child Rescue your way

Over the years many concerned people have joined others around the globe to grow the work of Destiny Rescue. This work can be arduous and heart breaking, but for every child, staff member, volunteer, project, and programme, there are unique and precious stories made possible by our supporters.

Our hearts are consistently inspired by each survivor's courage and resilience.

Despite highs and lows in this sacrificial and sometimes dangerous work, liberating a child from the pain of sexual exploitation and trafficking never gets dull. Thank you for sharing our passion to rescue children and help them stay free!

Starting Saturday 24 October, we're honouring 19 years of outstanding collaboration with supporters. We'd love you to create your own event to grow awareness and support for Destiny Rescue International's fight against human trafficking.

Could you help us raise some much needed funds to continue our rescue and freedom operations?

Create your own fundraising event and set a challenge for yourself for the long weekend

- Maybe a walk, run, kayak paddle, ride or some skipping. Then ask your friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you.

- Maybe you'd prefer to hold a clothes swap, sell some baking, barbeque, sausage sizzle, host a high tea or auction donated items.

Create an event that brings people together to share the vision and mission of Child Rescue.

Just be YOU and have fun!

About us

Child Rescue NZ funds Destiny Rescue projects across 11 nations where our mission is to rescue children from sexual exploitation and trafficking and help them stay free.

Use of funds

The goal is to raise funds to help rescue more children from sexual exploitation and trafficking and help them stay free!

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Oct 2020
Well done Child Rescue
Private Donor
Private Donor on 14 Oct 2020

Who's involved?

Child Rescue's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Child Rescue (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 13 Oct 2020 and ended on 30 Nov 2020.