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Chimney Fire Destroys Home of Local Family of Five

  • Heartfelt Thanks

      27 August 2024

    Thank you for your response to this worthy cause. Your contribution will make a real difference to the O'Neil family as they navigate the challenging months and years ahead.

    Since the page was started, the NZ Herald has published an article about this family's misfortune. If you haven't seen it already, you can read it here:

    Please continue to share this page with your friends, whanau, work colleagues and networks. The whole point of "Give A Little" is just that, many people giving a little which then adds up to make a big difference.

    Finally, I'll leave the last word to James:

    "Thank you everyone so much from the bottom of our hearts for your amazing generosity. Your kindness has humbled us and will go a long way in helping us restart our journey."

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