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Rare cancer needs access to medication not available here / costly

  • Review of goal

      17 August 2024

    Hi everyone

    We've dropped the total we're looking for on givealittle to $50k, as we think that with private donations made directly to Chris and what we're raising together that this will be enough to ensure his treatment for the first year!

    Thank you again to everyone who is helping out here - it's giving so much hope and happiness along with making it possible to get the treatment Chris needs.

    Cherie (on behalf of Chris and his family).

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  • Sun's out with Sunvozertinib

      17 August 2024

    A week into the first supply of Sunvozertinib, and Chris is feeling a bit better. His chest pain has subsided again, his cough is a little better and he had the best night's sleep last night that he has had in ages! So Aimee probably did too... !

    Thank you so much to all his supporters, and a special mention to Jackson for mandarin translation skills and other help as we arrange the next supply. We only wish it was as easy as ordering some from the pharmacy, but where there's a will, and people to help where they can, there's a way.

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  • Onwards and hopefully upwards

      9 August 2024
    Main image

    Chemo has been pretty rough on Chris, and he was starting to feel chest pain again, so got his scan moved forward to Wednesday. Unfortunately it did show the cancer is growing again (though hasn't spread any further) so no more chemo and time to start the Sunvozertinib. We've got the first couple of months worth in hand, so this will go towards the next order. We'll keep you updated on how it is working. We're hoping he gets his energy back, it's been tough on him feeling he's been on about 20% power. His family and animals are helping with hugs.

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