Committed to Heal: Seeking Support for Cancer Treatment to Foster a Hopeful Future

$3,535 of $40,500 goal
Given by 37 generous donors in 2 days

Mamma seeks your help to fund her healing from breast cancer, pursuing an innovative treatment that brings hope for her family and others.

Takaka, Tasman

In June, I was diagnosed with Her2+ breast cancer, bringing me to my knees. With the support of my partner, friends, and family, I’ve transformed that fear into an intention to heal.

Previously, I dedicated myself to homeschooling our son while caring for my aging parents. Today, I navigate medical appointments and a demanding self-care routine, striving to be present for my son and my terminally ill dad.

My partner, Chris, is bearing the emotional and financial strain; working full-time and managing additional responsibilities. Without extended family to help us, childcare costs, along with the supplements and medications addressing the root cause of the cancer and mitigating its spread, are straining our budget.

After thorough research, I’ve chosen to pursue cryoablation, a technique that freezes and destroys tumors while also activating an immune response. We are confident this will provide the best long-term outcome. I want to be here to see my son grow up.

However, the procedure is costly and requires travel to the USA. We’ve gone into debt to pre-pay for this treatment. Upon my return, we are concerned about meeting our living expenses, including mortgage payments.

Facing cancer, any added stress—such as financial insecurity or the threat of losing our home—can seriously impact recovery.

We need your support.

Any contribution is deeply appreciated. If you’re facing financial challenges, sharing this page or sending positive thoughts is invaluable.

With gratitude,

Neva & Chris

Use of funds

The funds will be used to pay off debt incurred from the cryoablation procedure, travel to the USA, and accommodation during treatment. If we don’t meet our target, the money will go toward reducing this debt.

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Latest donations

jenny 19 mins ago
Oh Neva! sending so much love on your healing journey x
Lauren 34 mins ago
So much love to you all x
Guest Donor
Guest Donor 1 hour ago
Fiona 3 hours ago
Best wishes Neva, you can do this 🙏 💗❤️💗
Pagnanelli 5 hours ago
Ciao Neva forza 💪 Noi ci siamo in Italia il tumore al seno è superabile 🙏❤️ ti vogliamo bene stai serena 💋

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Neva Poletti's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Neva Poletti
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This campaign started on 13 Oct 2024 and ends on 13 Jan 2025.