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Help get our Stars on the World Stage

$2,500 of $20,000 goal
Given by 17 generous donors in 9 weeks

Please help us get to the Commonwealth Championships Rugby League tournament on the Gold Coast February 2018


The New Zealand Physical Disabilities Rugby League team has been invited to participate in a Tri Series Rugby League 9's Competition in Brisbane in February 2018. The Commonwealth Championships is a lead in event to the Commonwealth Games and will feature the inaugural test match between the PDRLNZ Kiwis and PDRL Kangaroos. It will be the first time the world will get to see and experience the thrill of Physical Disability Rugby League being played on the global stage and New Zealand has the honour of being the inaugural country to go head to head against our trans-tasman neighbours.We want to do New Zealand proud and have selected our top 15 players to go and give their all for their jersey, their families and their country. But we need your help New Zealand. Funds raised will be used to fly our team over to the Gold Coast in February as well as pay for their accommodation and meals whilst staying in camp and representing our country on the world stage.

PDRLNZ has a radical impact on the physically disabled community so help us normalise physical disability. ASSOCIATE WITH A POSITIVE SOCIAL CAUSE and assist us to engage and inspire the 1.1m physically disabled in New Zealand. Your generosity will make a huge difference to a disabled player’s life. United, let’s do some social good. To find out more check us out on social media.

Thank you

PDRLNZ - Growing more than just the game. - Sponsorship packages are also available.

Physical Disability Rugby League New Zealand's involvement (page creator)

I have the privilege of being the Co-founder and Chairperson of Physical Disability Rugby League New Zealand

About us

Physical Disability Rugby League NZ is the national governing body of Physical Disability Rugby League in New Zealand. As the national governing body we provide players with a physical disability unique experiences and opportunities within Rugby League. We ;promote participation for people with a physical disability, while promoting inclusiveness within the sport of Rugby League

Use of funds

Funds raised will be used to fly our team over to the Gold Coast in February as well as pay for thier accommodation and meals whilst staying in camp and representing our country on the world stage.

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Latest donations

Dax and Angela Munroe
Dax and Angela Munroe on 30 Jan 2018
All the best Gazza . Thanks so much for the wood carving bro
Longville Family
Longville Family on 28 Jan 2018
Amelia Horo
Amelia Horo on 22 Jan 2018
Congrats Garry Kingi So Proud of you.
A corkill
A corkill on 22 Jan 2018
Ara-Hau-Toa-Nga-Hau-E-Wha  Sydney-Australia
Ara-Hau-Toa-Nga-Hau-E-Wha Sydney-Australia on 21 Jan 2018
Kia Kaha Garry Kingi way to represent brother! Ka Pai To Mahi to all those selected ! Ka Nui Nga Mihi Mou ! Kia Tau Te Rangimarie, Me Te Atua Koe E Tiaki. Arohanui Ara-Hau-Toa-Nga-Hau-E-Wha Sydney-Australia

Who's involved?

Physical Disability Rugby League New Zealand's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Physical Disability Rugby League New Zealand (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 27 Nov 2017 and ended on 31 Jan 2018.