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Connors Cancer Crusade

  • Results

      22 November 2023
    Posted by: Lisa Coster

    Connors blood tests have come back showing that he is now 100% percent donor and his philidelphia chromosome Is negative!! In the scheme of things this is amazing. The next year is crucial as risks reduce after that first year. Technically connor is now in remission still with weekly visits to chch hospital and monthly to auckland we have found ourselves with a sense of some relief.

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    • 23/11/2023 by Yvonne

      I am so happy and relieved for you Conner and your family. Onwards and Upwards ❤️

  • Daily challenges

      11 November 2023
    Posted by: Lisa Coster

    After a rough night with fevers and a remarkably sore head connor ended up back in hospital, as great as it is to be home we find ourselves facing even more daily challenges. Energy levels are very low, and as much as there is heaps of fun things connor wants to do there's always something standing in the way. Day to day stresses are rising with an auckland trip set for end of week.

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    • 12/11/2023 by Yvonne

      Ohh I am so sorry to hear this news. Thinking of you all❤️

  • Home

      2 November 2023
    Posted by: Lisa Coster
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    We have made it home, thankfully we can all be together. We are expected in Auckland every month for checks and weekly in Christchurch for hospital check to look for any effects. Connor is extremely tired and still unable to return to school leaving us 1 income down as we try to navigate our way through. Christmas approaching makes connor extremely happy and us a bit nervous. Times are tough.

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    • 04/11/2023 by Yvonne

      So happy for you all. Onwards and upwards from now on❤️

  • A day closer

      27 September 2023
    Posted by: Lisa Coster
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    Connor has been discharged to Ronald McDonald where we are expected to stay approx 2 months. With a few visits to the hospital each week we are focused on increasing mobility and diet as both have been a huge struggle for him leaving him mostly in wheelchair with feed through tube. Feeling the divide, extremely homesick asking for dad and brother step closer, everyday a challenge.

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    • 28/09/2023 by Yvonne

      Aww 🥰

  • A little light shines

      13 September 2023

    Conner has been blessed with a bone marrow transplant , a generous donor from Germany. He has his good and bad days, many when he barely opens his eyes others when his eyes full joy. He still has long way to go , alot kemo, drugs and infections . No young child should need to go through this, no young family should need to go though this.

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    • 14/09/2023 by Yvonne

      Keep battling little man aroha to all of the whanau❤️

  • Starship Admission

      9 August 2023
    Posted by: Lisa Coster
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    We were admitted to starship earlier this week where we have begun Radiation therapy both cranial and full body to prep for transplant. A rough week as the family is divided leaving daddy and little brother koda at home while connor and I (mum) will be in the hospital for approximately 6-8 weeks. Heartbroken and homesick.

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    • 09/08/2023 by Yvonne

      My heart goes out to you all❤️

  • Transplant going ahead

      6 July 2023

    Good news Connor has found a potential match and is taking a break from therapy before heading to Auckland for 6-8 weeks intensive treatment including bone marrow transplant and radiation then 2 months recovery. All going well Connor will be home for Xmas.

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    • 07/07/2023 by Yvonne

      Our prayers are with you little man and your whanau Kia Kaha❤️