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Cooper’s trip to Denmark!!!

  • He’s done it!!!!

      13 July 2024
    Posted by: Jalisa McLennan
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    Cooper has worked extremely hard and has achieved not one but FOUR GOLD MEDALS for New Zealand here at the abilities World Cup in Denmark!

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  • Cooper is training for the event

      24 April 2024
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    Kia ora all,

    It’s getting real. Passports applied for, trip booked, excitement all around!!! Cooper is training with his virtual coach Amy Tobin from Aussie. Let’s give this one more push. Donate and share! Love from the McLennan’s who are beyond grateful for this opportunity for Cooper.

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  • Tickets are booked

      3 April 2024

    Kia ora all, tickets are booked for the whole whānau, which cost around $20.000. That does not include accommodation and spending money. Let give this another push everyone. We are so so proud of Cooper and his whānau. This trip will be a once in a lifetime experience. Thanks to everyone who has donated small and big. The McLennan’s are speechless and so grateful!!!

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  • Quiz night

      23 March 2024
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    Kia ora e te whānau, we had such an amazing quiz night last night with 14 teams and amazing raffle prices. Thank you to Katie for arranging everything and making this the perfect night. Shit is getting real. Tickets are booked and the countdown is on. 104 more sleeps. Please continue to share this link and see if we can raise just a little more to make this a trip worth remembering for this beautiful whānau. Arohanui Andrea

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  • Tickets are booked

      20 March 2024
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    Kia ora all, our Cooper and his whānau have booked their flights. It is happening, Denmark here we come. Please continue to share this page and give this another big push to support Cooper and his whānau. Amy from ‘Now I can run’ has played a huge part and we can’t thank her enough.

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    • 21/03/2024 by Cilla

      Tu Meke! You guys are fabulous. Thank you so much for all you are doing for our whanau.

  • Cooper’s first race with his the running frame

      3 March 2024
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    Cooper successfully completed the Weetbix triathlon today, we are super proud of him. It was hard work but he did so well. Go Cooper, not long until you represent Aotearoa in Denmark as the only New Zealander participating. Wohoooo, keep donating whānau so we can get the whānau going together.

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  • Training has begun for Cooper

      26 February 2024
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    Kia ora koutou, training has begun for Cooper. He is looking forward to going to Denmark and he is working on having his first offical go on his running frame this weekend at the Weetbix triathlon. Please come and find us and talk to us this weekend. The McLennan whānau is overwhelmed by all your generosity and as it stands Cooper will definitely have both parents with him in Denmark. It would be amazing for his older sister Bella to support him in Denmark as well so we are grateful for any donation small and big. Arohanui ki a koutou katoa, blessings to all, thanks from the bottom of our hearts.

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  • Get Cooper to Denmark

      16 February 2024
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    We have done the maths and needed to change our goal to $10.000 to make sure airfares, accommodation and supports are covered. Cooper is receiving a specialised bike from the ‘Now I can run’ organisation, which is amazing. Here is a pic of the bike.

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