Help us rebuild Eton Village after the destructive Cyclone Pam, which "could potentially be one of the worst in Pacific History" .
Update - 24th March - 10 days since Cyclone Pam.
We are well on the way to reaching our goal of $120K for our Stage One rebuild of Eton which is for 30 new houses and repairing the damage to the existing homes in our village at Eton.
Initially Warren and I started this Give A Little page and we have now been joined by our neighbours at Eton, Marcus and Stoney from the Gold Coast, Australia.
Marcus and Stoney have built a house along from us and were also very lucky to have no major damage to their home. They are both committed to Eton just like us and employ a local family to look after their house and gardens.
Our village, Eton, needs immediate financial help and we are reaching out to everyone we know to please assist us. Our goal is not to just "band aid" the damage that this cyclone has done to the village but to build secure solid shelters for the future. Buildings where they can congregate as a community, be safe and have the facilities in place that they need in an emergency like cyclone refuge, lets face it, this isn't the last but no more Cat 5 please!!. These buildings will also be used by the community for their official and social celebrations, they do love a good celebration!
Last year Warren was in the village rebuilding unsafe structures and we are currently working on finishing a school room that the village desperately needs so their children can get better education.
We are committed to this country and this community and you will see thru its Facebook page ( it will be set up in the next few days) where your money goes and every cent goes to help the people and their community. I think we are so lucky to do this, it makes my heart sing! Please share our Give A Little Page and help us raise some money so we can help our Eton village.
ALL money donated will go directly into repairing the infrastructure and homes for the worst effected.
Please don't see this as a selfish and selective charity on our part in that we are focusing just on Eton as it is not. What we do will filter through to many extended family members from Eton Village and surrounding villages. These are all our neighbours and with our help we can make a difference for them by using Warren's building skills, our advice and most of all our love and support to them all.
There are many charities to donate to and if you chose not to donate to ours please do make a donation to one of the many out there.
We know that other countries, charities and authorities will be giving assistance to Vanuatu but this may take a long time to filter through so anything donated to our cause will be immediate.
Please, give what you can, no amount is too small. Please spread this with family and friends on social media and help us to help an already poor and undeveloped country recover.
We do this because we genuinely love these Ni-Van people, any of our friends will tell you this. It's needed and we will give all we can to help these people in a time of urgent need. You can contact me any time for updates or information
PLEASE CHECK THE UPDATES PAGE FOR CAMPBELL LIVE TV FOOTAGE TAKEN OUT AT ETON 3 DAYS AFTER THE CYCLONE. I will be updating the pages regularly so please tick the updates box when making your donation.
The first house frame is up. 19 April 2015
This week Warren has been working on the first home to be rebuilt and this is the prototype for the rest of the homes.The tin roof & sides will go on this week and Ethiane and his family can move in. Its a very basic structure but its solid and should withstand future cyclones and it will keep them dry from the damp wet conditions that the tropical summers bring. Each family will add their own touches and build their own traditional outdoor kitchens. The village people worked with Warren on the simple design they wanted and they are all very very happy to see it now at frame stage. Will post photos when completed and the family are back in their home.
WOW, thanks you so much Tilly and the Spirit of Positive Change Group! that is amazing. xx
Thanks you very much Rob.