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Cyclone Pam Eton Village

  • The first house frame is up.

      19 April 2015
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    This week Warren has been working on the first home to be rebuilt and this is the prototype for the rest of the homes.The tin roof & sides will go on this week and Ethiane and his family can move in. Its a very basic structure but its solid and should withstand future cyclones and it will keep them dry from the damp wet conditions that the tropical summers bring. Each family will add their own touches and build their own traditional outdoor kitchens. The village people worked with Warren on the simple design they wanted and they are all very very happy to see it now at frame stage. Will post photos when completed and the family are back in their home.

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  • Eton Village video that was on TV3 Campbell Live

      10 April 2015
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    Warren and Jeffery making repairs to a home.

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  • We have started!

      10 April 2015
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    Warren has been in the village this week repairing homes that need shelter. Here are few photos of what we are dealing with. Its heartbreaking to see but so fulfilling to be able to help with all the generous donations we are receiveing. Thank you.

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  • Ready to head back to Eton

      2 April 2015
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    We have nearly finished packing up our house ready for a more permanent move to Vanuatu to help Eton Village. We leave NZ in Sunday and are both really looking forward to it.

    Marcus hopes to get up to Eton in the next few weeks so we look forward to seeing him and we hear he is making more progress with our fundraising with his Australian connections. Here is a photo of the Eton Disaster Committee.

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  • Our neighbours in Eton at Papaya Villa.

      24 March 2015
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    Marcus and Stoney are just as passionate about the people of Eton and have joined our fundraiser! They are spreading the word in their Aussie network to achieve our $120K target!

    Here is a photo of Marcus with their lovely house-girl Anniese, her husband Sammi who keeps the garden immaculate and their 3 children Simon, Kristina and Ajay. Stoney as usual behind the camera....

    Check out Marcus and Stoneys gorgeous Papaya Villa in the link. Maybe help tourism and book a holiday and come and stay at Eton and meet they village!

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  • Eton Village video that was on TV3 Campbell Live

      21 March 2015
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    If you didn’t see Campbell Live with their report on Eton.

    When this was shown in TV it was my first look at the village, oh my gosh, its was heartbreaking too watch. The house shown is not our house that is neighbour up the road. Our home is done, a bit of damage but we are fine. Sadly the village is not, as you will see. We really need your help and thank you for already donating. This page will be up for a few months so if you have a spare few dollars you can donate again. Warren has just landed back in NZ so today I will get to see photos of our home and the village. He has a clear plan of the rebuild for our village and I will be posting that in the next day or so. You will be able to see what our plan is and spread the world to help us achieve this. Thank you once again.

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  • Warren on the ground in Vila!

      17 March 2015

    After a anxious few days with flight delays Warren flew via Sydney to get into Port Vila last night. He was going out to Eton at first light this morning and Campbell Live film crew were going along with him. If your in NZ keep an eye on TV3 news and Campbell Live over the next few days as Eton might just make an appearance and you can see first hand what we are up against, it will be my first time also! I have had no contact with our NiVan family that live with us on our property or anyone in our village so Im just waiting patiently for phone service to be updated. When I get more information I will update the page again. Shaz.

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