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Help Daena present her quilt in Houston October 2024

$2,310 of $10,000 goal
Given by 30 generous donors in 23 days

Help a disabled artist present her work on the international stage.

Rolleston, Canterbury

My quilt "Experiencing Epilepsy" has been selected for the Juried exhibition at the OCTOBER Houston International Quilt Festival, the biggest quilt show in the USA. This annual competition features the best work from quilters all over the world.

This may be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for me to stand by my work, tell my story, and promote NZ quilting to an American audience.

I am a disabled artist and funding this trip is well beyond my means. All my New Zealand Quilting friends are telling me I need to be in Houston beside my work. so I am setting up this page to ask for help to do this thing that will otherwise be out of my reach.

I have set a target based on quotes for flights and accommodation plus a margin as these will get more expensive the closer we get to October 2024 but every dollar will help me as I am trying to find funding from other sources as well.

If I am unable to make this work, any money will be put towards upgrading my sewing machine.


Use of funds

Flights and Accommodation and the other sundries associated with this mammoth event. If I don't raise enough for the trip, the money will be used to upgrade my sewing machine which is the main tool I use to make my art.

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Latest update

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Achievement unlocked A+ in paperwork  24 July 2024

thanks to several people pointing me in helpful directions I have been applying for funding to help with this, and I'm just about to drop off the most recent funding application. Shout out to Arts Access Aotearoa who has been incredibly helpful in supporting me with my applications and helping me find resources to try and tap

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor 7 days ago
Daena Schofield

Thank you very much :)

Daena Schofield
Pamela on 22 Jul 2024
You deserve to be in Houston. Congratulations
Daena Schofield

Thank you so much Pamela :)

Daena Schofield
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Jul 2024
From a fellow crafter, and KAOS alum.
Daena Schofield

Thank you very much for the support :)

Daena Schofield
Claire on 18 Jul 2024
Good luck, Daena
Daena Schofield

Thank you so much Claire :)

Daena Schofield
Diana on 17 Jul 2024
Good luck Daena.
Daena Schofield

Thank you so much Diana :)

Daena Schofield

Who's involved?

Daena Schofield's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Daena Schofield
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This campaign started on 7 Jul 2024 and ends on 30 Sep 2024.