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Help Daena present her quilt in Houston October 2024

  • Achievement Unlocked: Funding application successful im going to Houston but...

      3 September 2024
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    Due to complications I've lost my very experienced travel buddy who was to share accommodation costs and this has chewed up all our contingency money. While I'm currently touching base with people in Houston and surrounds for company and guidance while I'm there I would feel a lot happier if I knew that I had some of that safety buffer back in place. therefore we are boosting this in hopes that we can reach a few more lovely people who may be willing to contribute :)

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  • Bonus Content

      9 August 2024
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    the quilt you can see under my machine has been finished and accepted into OzQuilt Networks "Australia Wide Nine" which starts in South Australia on November the 8th and will be touring for 18 months. The quilt is called "Taken" and I have included a closeup of part of it for you.

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  • Achievement unlocked Im going to Houston

      9 August 2024
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    thanks to the generosity of everyone who has contributed here so far we have been able to lock in flights and accommodation to attend Houston, further contributions will be helping me make the absulote most of this opportunity when I get there.

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  • Achievement unlocked A+ in paperwork

      24 July 2024
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    thanks to several people pointing me in helpful directions I have been applying for funding to help with this, and I'm just about to drop off the most recent funding application. Shout out to Arts Access Aotearoa who has been incredibly helpful in supporting me with my applications and helping me find resources to try and tap

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  • Achievement unlocked Accommodation funded

      12 July 2024

    thanks to securing some funding today from another source I have reduced the goal and moved the close date.

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