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Daring Rescue!

  • Daring's preservation is well under way..

      11 July 2019

    We have completed analysis of the timbers of the vessel to understand the quality of the cellular structure and the concentration of minerals in the timbers to enable a thorough preservation process to be projected. We are currently designing a permanent cradle to carry the vessel through to public display. We are very hopeful of finalising the final museum location for her and once agreed we will be moving her to a workshop to complete laser scanning, cleaning between the inner and outer planking and straightening the hull to facilitate reassembly of beams and timbers recovered before transport to her final location for ongoing preservation and public display.

    Thank you so much to those who have so generously helped with funding through this give a little page, through our website and directly. We have made incredible progress and value your continued support.

    Be sure to watch TV1 Sunday programme this Sunday 14th July at 7:30pm (or TVNZondemand afterwards) when John Hudson and the Daring Rescue team will tell this story, the most amazing rescue of a true New Zealand ship.

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    • 12/07/2019 by Brian

      Kia Ora,

      Thanks for this info,although I noted it last week.

      I was trying to find 'your' page on Give a little to make another Donation to help keep the progress going,but could not find you .

      Q. Under what heading come Daring?

      Are you going to put out another request after next Sunday's programme.

      Many thanks,


    • 14/07/2019 by The Classic Yacht Charitable Trust (ACCOUNT CLOSED)

      Thanks for you support Brian!

      The Give A Little site for the Daring has been refreshed ready for the Sunday night programme.

      We hope that this will promote the cause and get more support for the preservation of this old treasure!

  • Storage and Stabilisation

      8 January 2019
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    The Daring has found a temporary home in Hobsonville. It will be under shrink wrap while stabilisation work is completed.

    The hot summer sun is drying the boards out too quickly so volunteers are watering the boards each day to make sure the wood doesn’t split.

    The ship is in amazing condition considering it sat under the sand dunes for over 150 years!

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  • Breaking News “The Daring is off the sand!"

      14 December 2018
  • Salvage

      13 December 2018
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    We've begun the process to recover The Daring from the sand and sea with the help of some very generous donors, a team of volunteers and salvage experts. Check out the Gallery images of the recovery team hard at work.

    We still need your donations to help with the haulage, storage, restoration and stabilisation.

    Every dollar will go towards the preservation of this nautical treasure!

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