David's all-terrain wheelchair fundraising campaign

$6,249 of $5,895 goal
Given by 24 generous donors in 11 weeks

David is campaigning to raise funds for an all-terrain wheelchair, (the Trekenetic K-2), that he will use to compete in an obstacle race.

Nelson / Tasman


David Trotter and Greg Witika are joining forces to bring the fun and excitement of obstacle racing to those of us in our community with physical and intellectual disabilities.

David is campaigning to raise funds for the purpose built, all-terrain, manual wheelchair, (the Trekenetic K-2), that he will use along with a team of four to navigate the 2016 Wairua Warrior obstacle race, taking place at Happy Valley (Nelson) on the 9th of April. When purchased, the wheelchair will be on permanent loan to the Wairua Warrior Club and be made available on appointment to the public for future races and events with the club.

David’s Story

David (43) had an accident in 1989 when he was 17. He came off his motorbike and hit a lamppost. The policewoman, who witnessed it happen, mentioned he wasn’t speeding and must have clipped the curb on the bend. He had just passed a bicycle and it is assumed he was checking the cyclist was ok, as David also cycled and was aware motorbikes make a bit of a draught going by.

He was in a coma for 6 months. On returning home from hospital, just in time for Christmas, he started a period of intensive rehabilitation that continues to this day.

He has paralysis of his right leg and arm and needs to use a wheelchair, but can walk short distances with help. The language and speech areas of David’s brain have also been affected and epileptic seizures are under constant management. He has quite an extensive one-word vocabulary, but struggles to make sentences without help. This is not to say David cannot communicate, he is acutely aware of all that is happening around him (and possibly more), and his sharp sense of humour will somehow find the right word, or expression to surprise us all.

David and Greg

Since coming to New Zealand in 2004 he has made tremendous physical progress with help from his body coach, Greg Witika, from the Wairua Body Coaching System Gym. Dave’s right arm has built substantial muscle and his grip has strengthened. His left arm (the able one) is now a force to reckon with! This overall improved physical fitness has boosted his self-confidence and given him more energy and focus.

In 2015 David was a spectator at the first Wairua Warrior obstacle race (organised by Greg), and was so impressed he wanted to join in and climb one of the obstacles himself. Sadly fairly impossible, but Greg, seeing his enthusiasm decided, “Why not, with some training and a team of 4 we’ll have him do the 6km race”.

So the training began! And with it grew the desire to make this type of sporting activity accessible for people with physical and intellectual disabilities.

“Friends and colleagues here just seem to want to help David be more mobile and articulate and he has responded”. Barbara Trotter, (Dave’s Mom).

The Wairua Warrior Club

The Wairua Warrior is all about overcoming obstacles and there is no bigger obstacle than what David is training himself up for. Trivial day to day duties that we take for granted like getting up out of bed or tying our shoelace are frustrating and time consuming tasks for David. Yet, he refuses to take the easy way out. David is a Warrior and has a Warrior spirit and that is why the Wairua Warrior OCR Club is honoured and proud to have David Trotter as the 2016 Wairua Warrior Ambassador.

The Wairua Warrior OCR Club is all about camaraderie and learning how to tackle and overcome all obstacles both mental and physical.

Since David's accident, his whole life has been about overcoming obstacles, which he does with tremendous vigour and determination and in turn, paves the way for us to learn from and to be inspired by.

Race day: April 9, 2016

David would like to warmly thank all of the people who are helping to make this possible:

Shanon Arnold - Mobility Solutions Centre Dunedin. Dunedin.


Greg Witika (Body Coach, Club president and Team David member)

Jesse Clifton (Support Worker and Team David member)

Seija McIntosh (Speech Therapist and Team David member)

Simon Topp (Team David member)

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The Race!  5 May 2016

The ATWheelchair totally did it's job, came through everything unscathed! Even 8" of mud! David rolled out just once on a steep slope, but was fine. He did all the obstacles he had trained for plus more, those that he couldn't do the very impressive Team did the required burpees! It took 3hrs 40secs to complete the race, the majority did it in 2 - 2 1/2 hrs. The elite in 1 hr 39mins! David's Team enjoyed every minute, they had a ball as did David. The last 3 obstacles when he came into view caused roars and cheers of approval by the spectators, walking a plank, with help, being pushed through the 1' deep cold river with metre high spray, and the climb over the A Frame, he was wet and muddy and then insisted on walking to the Finish Line with one shoe! Here the clapping and cheering showed everyone's approval of his efforts.

Dave was thrilled, on a high, he knew he had achieved something he couldn't even have dreamed of before we came to NZ 11 years ago. Even a year ago!!!

My thanks to everyone who made it possible. We always will be indebted. Barbara and John, Dave's proud parents and of course David's love and thanks to all who helped him in whatever way xx

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Joan Harris  UK
Joan Harris UK on 31 Mar 2016
Sending love and wishing all goes well xx
Chrissy Wheatley
Chrissy Wheatley on 31 Mar 2016
Barbara & George
Barbara & George on 12 Mar 2016
Go for it David. Do not get wheel-spin!
Fern on 08 Mar 2016
Go for it!
Jan M
Jan M on 08 Mar 2016
Best Wishes and Keep going Forward David!

Who's involved?

Barbara Trotter's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Barbara Trotter on behalf of David and other participants with physical disabilities of the Wairua Warrior obstacle races
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This campaign started on 20 Jan 2016 and ended on 9 Apr 2016.