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David's all-terrain wheelchair fundraising campaign

  • The Race!

      5 May 2016

    The ATWheelchair totally did it's job, came through everything unscathed! Even 8" of mud! David rolled out just once on a steep slope, but was fine. He did all the obstacles he had trained for plus more, those that he couldn't do the very impressive Team did the required burpees! It took 3hrs 40secs to complete the race, the majority did it in 2 - 2 1/2 hrs. The elite in 1 hr 39mins! David's Team enjoyed every minute, they had a ball as did David. The last 3 obstacles when he came into view caused roars and cheers of approval by the spectators, walking a plank, with help, being pushed through the 1' deep cold river with metre high spray, and the climb over the A Frame, he was wet and muddy and then insisted on walking to the Finish Line with one shoe! Here the clapping and cheering showed everyone's approval of his efforts.

    Dave was thrilled, on a high, he knew he had achieved something he couldn't even have dreamed of before we came to NZ 11 years ago. Even a year ago!!!

    My thanks to everyone who made it possible. We always will be indebted. Barbara and John, Dave's proud parents and of course David's love and thanks to all who helped him in whatever way xx

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  • A week to go.

      1 April 2016

    David really enjoying his training, has now crawled under netting for one of the obstacles. He is now excited rather than nervous and has got his special clothing to keep him warm and dry, Everything is good to go. Thank you everybody who has helped with the funding it has been so appreciated by Greg, David and the Team as without the All Terrain Wheelchair it couldn't happen :-)

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  • Our Thank You

      2 March 2016
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    We are thrilled to say we have reached the target payment for the All Terrain Wheelchair so that David can compete in the Wairua Warriors Obstacle Race at Happy Valley on 9th April '16. It will then be available for other disabled people needing one for a specific occasion. We would like to thank every single person who donated, every dollar was appreciated. The extra will go to a special belt with strap handles to help the team to lift and help David through and over the obstacles! Any obstacle that is impossible for David the other Team members must all complete. Or there will be Burpees at the end to do! They are tough! Thank you from everyone involved in this challenge! :-) Barbara xxx

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  • Update on David

      23 February 2016
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    David is thrilled, surprised. excited and pleased to see that people are wanting to help fund the all terrain wheelchair. He needs it for the race where he will be pulled, pushed and shoved over rough terrain, sand, gravel and mud to help him around the course and he will have to go under through and over the obstacles! All 'Team David' so appreciate your generosity! Amazingly David's speech has improved and become more lucid we feel just from knowing that people are behind him. He has become more confident in every way. We are now half-way there! It is exciting!

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