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Devyish Superette Burnt Down

on 16 Apr 2019

Tommy asks

Hi there, my name is Tommy Livingston. I am a reporter for The Dominion Post. I hope you are well. I am really sorry that fire has had such an impact on your family. I am interested in writing an article about how they are doing and what they plan to do going forward. If you are able to give me a call or email that would be appreciated.

027 859 8902


Hi Tommy

The family is doing ok. They are currently getting things under control at my place, and just slowly building up their life. Everyone is going back to their normal life minus the not having a dairy anymore. The next step is finding a new place to secure for the foreseeable future. My dad is going to continue being a driver, mum is getting support and resting and the siblings are continuing their education.

The family are not fans talking about the tragedy, but I can say they appreciate the kindness everyone has provided and are not sure what they would have done without it.


Devyish Gandhi

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