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Save 0ur School

$10,000 of $10,000 goal
Given by 39 generous donors in 11 weeks

Rebuild the boys' dormitory. Keep Migori Education Centre open for the 300 students who depend on it to improve their lives.


Migori Education Centre in Western Kenya is a boarding school providing secondary education to around 300 students who would otherwise have no chance of continuing their education beyond primary school.

The boys' dormitory is in a dilapidated condition and needs urgent replacement for two reasons. The first is the boys suffer health issues because of the condition of the building. The second is, unless the building is replaced, the school faces closure in 2020 due to changes in government regulations. The project has been budgeted at $NZ10000.

Please support our project to rebuild the boys' dormitory so we can save our school and continue offering education to the most vulnerable students.

Sonia Millett's involvement (page creator)

I volunteer at Kibera Hamlets School in the biggest slum in Nairobi which offers free primary education to the most vulnerable slum children. MEC is our sister high school, the next step for our students.

Use of funds

Boys' dormitory replacement. Any surplus will be spent on sponsoring another child for our school. If goal is not reached, money will go to dormitory improvement fund until such time as replacement amount is found.

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Latest update

Final update  23 April 2020

I planned to send a final update with video of grand opening ceremony however world events have put paid to that. When schools resume in Kenya our boys will be safe and sound in their new dormitory thanks to you. Stay safe, keep distance, and Kia Kaha (stay strong in Maori for overseas contributors). Kia Kaha House is the name. Thank you. Sonia.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 Jan 2020
Brent and family
Brent and family on 26 Jan 2020
Wow. Over 9,000 now. Hope it's a race to 10,000. We're with you all the way.
Yuko on 23 Jan 2020
You're nearly there!
Jenny on 22 Jan 2020
Keiko on 20 Jan 2020
Getting closer, Sonia. Wish you well.

Who's involved?

Sonia Millett's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sonia Millett on behalf of Migori Education Centre
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This campaign started on 22 Nov 2019 and ended on 10 Feb 2020.