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Edible Plastic Wrap Alternative

on 26 Sep 2019

Sarah asks

Hi Brooke

I heard you on the Breeze this morning, and I wondered if you have heard about George Fm's competition at the moment to 'Super size your side hustle!' They are giving away $10,000 to the person with the best business idea. I think yours would be a great one! I gave them a call this morning, after I heard you, but they said you had to to ring them yourself. 0800 364 367 Good luck. Sarah

This question has not been answered yet.

on 25 Sep 2019

Millie asks

Hi Brooke,

Your innovation of Wrapt and your determination to address our plastic pollution is truly inspiring.

I work in the marketing team at Icebreaker, we are a natural progressive company who is in aware of what you have achieved at only 16. I would love to encourage your grit and determination by sending you some Icebreaker product, as a natural clothing alternative to plastic fibres that are often found in our wardrobes.

Did you know washing synthetic clothing releases plastic microfibres into the oceans - up to 700,000 in one wash. Today, microfibres make up 85% of human-made debris on shorelines around the globe.

Please reach out to me over email so I can get your contact details We can also discuss some funding options too.


Emelia 😊


Hey Emelia,

Thank you so much for your support! I wasn't able to send to that address - could you please check it?

I love the environmental sustainability behind your products, and would be more than happy to promote them. You can contact me here or on 0274188491 :)



Brooke Moore
on 18 Sep 2019

Luke asks

Hey there Brooke, saw your interview on Breakfast and was very impressed. As I was watching I thought immediately would this work as silage bale wrap. I’m currently trying to develop an alternative to the netting and having something like your plastic alternative would be great. Has anyone approached you with silage bales in mind?


Hi Luke,

This is definitely something I've been thinking about. I think it could work but I'm not sure how it would hold up against rain/wind - definitely worth investigating though.

Brooke Moore

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