Empathy in Action: Transforming the Lives of Families Affected by Dementia (Caring for people with dementia together – Chinese Dementia Project 護腦同行 - 華人腦退化症專案)

$338 of $50,000 goal
Given by 5 generous donors in around 3 months

Support the CPT Dementia Project to help people with dementia and their families in the Chinese community.


(Please scroll down to read the project information in Chinese language. 請往下滑動,以閱讀有關這專案中文版詳情。)

Imagine a world where memories fade, faces become strangers, and the once-familiar rhythm of life dissolves into confusion. For those facing dementia, this heart-wrenching reality is their daily struggle. Yet, the impact of dementia extends far beyond the individual – it touches families in profound and often overwhelming ways.

As the disease progresses, the person afflicted slips further away from recognition, leaving families grappling with an excruciating paradox: a loved one who is physically present but mentally distant. Simple tasks become insurmountable challenges, and the roles within families shift dramatically as caregivers step into new, demanding roles. This emotional rollercoaster is accompanied by financial strain, as the cost of care compounds over time.

This is where the Caring for People with Dementia Together (CPT) project emerges as a beacon of hope. A joint effort between Dementia Auckland, Age Concern Auckland, Associate Professor Gary Cheung and his dedicated research team from the University of Auckland, and specialists Dr. Yu Min Lin and Ray Law, the CPT project is a cross-community partnership with a mission to bring meaningful change to the lives of Chinese families impacted by dementia in Auckland.

Chinese individuals access dementia services less than other ethnic groups due to a complex interplay of factors – a lack of relevant resources, issues of accessibility, and the weight of cultural stigma. The urgency to rectify this situation is underscored by projections that the number of Asian individuals living with dementia will skyrocket from 4.8k in 2020 to a staggering 17.9k by 2040.

The CPT project isn't just about statistics; it's about transforming the lives of Chinese people living with dementia and their families. Our focus lies in three critical pillars:

Awareness and Prevention: We aim to empower the Chinese community with knowledge about brain health and dementia risk reduction.

Support and Education: Providing caregivers and families with essential guidance to navigate the complex journey of dementia caregiving.

Living Well Program: We aim to enhance their well-being and quality of life through running a range of programs including Cognitive Stimulation Therapy.

However, for these aspirations to become reality, we need your support. With no current funding from Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand, the project relies on community collaboration and donations. Our budget stands at $750,000, making your contribution crucial.

Dementia Auckland and Age Concern Auckland are steering the ship, but it's a voyage that requires every hand on deck. Your involvement can bridge the gap and make a lasting impact. Your generosity can help us create a future where understanding, empathy, and comprehensive care redefine the journey of those facing dementia.

For more information, please visit our project website at www.chinesedementia.org.nz. To be part of this transformative journey, you can reach out to our project manager, Kong Chan, at KongC@dementiaauckland.org.nz. Together, let's paint a brighter future for Chinese families touched by dementia.



「護腦同行」這個專案展望能為受腦退化症影響的人和他們的家庭帶來一束希望之光。這是一個跨社區組織合作夥伴的專案,成員包括奧克蘭腦退化症協會(Dementia Auckland)、奧克蘭長者關愛會(Age Concern Auckland)、张子华副教授(A/Prof Gary Cheung) 及其奧克蘭大學研究團隊,加上專家林育民醫生(Dr. Yu Min Lin)和劉加偉先生(Ray Law)。這個跨專業團隊的合作,可有效融合各人資深經驗及專業知識,一起實踐對奧克蘭患有腦退化症華人及其家人提供相關及確切的服務願景。

根據《2021年腦退化症經濟影響報告》(The Dementia Economic Impact Report 2021) 研究結果顯示,華人接受腦退化症服務的比例是所有族群中最少的,原因包括缺乏相關確切的資源、及缺乏相關意識及面子問題等文化因素。然而這是一個急切需求的問題,因為患有腦退化症的亞洲人數將會倍增,即從2020年的4800人增至2040年的17900人。





然而,要使這些期望成為現實,我們需要您的支持。紐西蘭衛生局 (Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand)的資金,這個「護腦同行」這個專案依賴社區合作和捐款。我們的預算總額為75萬紐幣,所以您的貢獻是非常重要。

奧克蘭腦退化症協會(Dementia Auckland)、奧克蘭長者關愛會(Age Concern Auckland)正在引導著,但這是一場需要大家參與的航程。您的慷慨支持可以幫助我們創造一個對面臨腦退化症的旅程重新定義的未來。

如閣下有意進一步了解這華人服務專案,歡迎我們的網站 www.chinesedementia.org.nz 可以聯絡我們的項目經理 Kong Chan,電郵地址為 KongC@dementiaauckland.org.nz。讓我們共同為受患有腦退化症的華人及其家人描繪出更美好的未來。



****Check out our previous fundraiser here https://givealittle.co.nz/cause/chinese-services-project****

About us

Dementia Auckland is a not-for-profit charitable organisation that serves and supports our Auckland community with dementia support services.

Use of funds

$50,000 that will support:

- In language materials to build awareness within Chinese communities across Auckland

- Setup of the first service/s in Auckland. These will be focused on education and/or support for Chinese people with dementia and carers.

Latest update

Age Concern Auckland Information Day  1 September 2023

The CPT project is actively engaged in community events, promoting brain health and sharing dementia information. We are excited to announce our participation in the Age Concern Auckland Information Day on September 2nd, from 10am to 1pm at the Positive Aging Centre in Takapuna. We extend a warm invitation to all to join us in this event.

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Latest donations

Mona on 25 Nov 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Sep 2023
Vital and important work. Hope Govt will get behind this project soon too!
Dementia Auckland

Hi Denzel, thank you for your generous donation and support!

Dementia Auckland
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Sep 2023
Kitty on 19 Sep 2023
Kirsten on 01 Sep 2023
Keep up the great work

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Dementia Auckland (Charity)
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This campaign started on 31 Aug 2023 and ended on 30 Nov 2023.