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Everest Wāhine

$1,375 donated
Given by 20 generous donors in 4 weeks

From Rock Bottom to Everest Sagarmāthā: Support Holly Beckham's mission to be the first Māori Wahine to summit Mt Everest


Holly Beckham’s life has been a relentless climb — a climb through 19 years of addiction, childhood sexual abuse, multiple overdoses, and suicide attempts. After battling PTSD, depression, and borderline personality disorder, Holly has emerged as a symbol of strength and recovery. Now, she stands at the base of a new and monumental challenge: summiting Mount Everest Sagarmāthā.

Holly is not just aiming for the top; she’s on a mission to make history. She aims to become the first wāhine Māori to reach the summit, taking the Tinorangatiratanga haki (flag) with her. This flag embodies her journey, celebrating her triumphs over adversity and symbolising hope for whānau battling addiction and honouring those we’ve lost.

Already Holly has shown she's got what it takes: the documentary 'Te Ara' by Greenstone and Bloom Pictures followed her 2023 climb of Mt Aspiring/Tititea – see Episode 1 above.

As preparation for Everest Sagarmāthā, Holly will undertake three 6,000m+ acclimatisation climbs in the Himalayas in October and November 2024: Lobuche East 6,145m, Island Peak 6,189m and Mera Peak 6,476m.

These 'three peaks' are crucial in her preparation and will also serve as a testament to her recovery and resilience. Holly will post updates of these climbs, with the goal of ultimately creating a documentary about her summiting Everest Sagarmāthā.

Use of funds

To turn this dream into reality, Holly would love your financial support with her Everest Wāhine expedition costs, including guides, Sherpas, and essential climbing equipment.

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Latest donations

Hayley on 19 Sep 2024
Love you Holly. You are such an inspiration to
Elan on 19 Sep 2024
Wahine Toa!! Send it to the top sis, Proud as!!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Sep 2024
Natalia on 18 Sep 2024
Holly, you are an inspiration to those in darkness and proof of what the soul ✨️ can overcome and acheive! Sending blessings your way ✨️
T on 07 Sep 2024

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Holly Beckham
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This campaign started on 29 Aug 2024 and ends on 28 Feb 2025.