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Paraplegic - Leg Up For Housing

  • Stuff News Story

      17 October 2024
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    Hi, and thank you for all your love, kindness and generous support.

    My article was published today 17/10/2024 about my housing issues and the reality of the impacts of my injury and the availability of accessible houses in the government or professional sector.

    This is my story and hopefully it can generate more awareness and gain momentum to me buying my own place and helping others out in the process.

    Please visit and follow my Leg Up for Housing initiative to promote awareness around people with disability and financially helping those with health related impairments who struggle to help themselves.

    All it takes is around 60 thousand people to donate $1 a week for 10 weeks.

    It doesn't sound like much does it. $10 to help provide someone a home.

    Yes it's a numbers game and it's about supporting something meaningful.

    A venture that if it goes well, I can develop to help others and work towards everyone helping each other, raising awareness around those in need how find it hard to help themselves.

    To advocate for those in disability, those with impairments, those with health related issues.

    To help try and understand what it's like for people in certain situations. We all know someone struggling.

    Thank you and much love to you all, we are in this together.

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  • Immunoglobulin testing.

      21 September 2024
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    For over a year now a immunologist from Auckland has been trying to identify why all my immunoglobulin levels are frightfully low.

    These are another word for antibodies Antibodies are proteins that your immune system makes to fight germs, such as viruses and bacteria. Because for over a year I have been having a lot of issues with fighting bacteria leading to sepsis that has put me in the hospital not to mention the issues affecting my bowel, intestinal tract and heavy fatigue to name a few symptoms.

    So they are looking to understand why my IgM, IgG, IgA indrntifiers are alerting this problem. Without telling you all the medical science of it all, the fact is, this is all disruptive to my life because I keep having problems and there has been no answers.

    Now many times these symptoms show certain issues towards autoimmune diseases, kidney disease and the issues that I'm losing proteins that help fight off these certain issues in my body.

    so I don't try and live my life waiting, as my life isn't going to be dictated by what is happening to me. Like my para life, you find ways to adapt, to push through, to utilize the bad days just as much as the good.

    Now often this means resting in-between my days from my son (the hardest thing about broken marriages is now you share your children instead of being in their life everyday). So I rest, to have energy available for him, I am happy to always make sacrifices for him, he deserves that much, he's beautiful. .to be continued...

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  • Week 3 update

      17 September 2024

    Just a quick update to firstly thank those that have generously donated, left words of faith, encouragement and love. The support warms my heart beyond anything that money or pain killers can provide. Where money isn't enough, there is the opportunity for the abundance of kindness, gratitude, hope and love.

    I am on the good side of my bladder infection and finally feeling like days are getting better. The hope now is for my energy levels to get up so I can enjoy the journey my son and I make this weekend to Ashurst for his football tournament. Every 2 days I wake up at 5am (or earlier if the night doesn't go well) to do my bowel regime.There are aspects of my life that I have to take a lot of care with, to be disciplined in looking after myself, to research, inform and be strong in my walk through different approaches in medical science, care, spinal cord injury understanding and all round being the wheelchair guy about town.

    This recent health issue just takes it out of me, I really have to keep my spirit and mental health in a good place, because life doesn't stop and I need energy to continue all my transfers from chair to bed, to commode, to car, and anyting else that my day demands.

    Fatigue is exhausting, pain escalates with more drugs in my system and the discomfort that's sometimes like someone torturing me.

    The main thing is to stay out of hospital l, to act early and prevent further issues. That way I can not let it impact all the loves in my life, my son.

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  • In hospital on the weekend

      7 September 2024
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    I'm currently in hospital with a urinary tract infection(UTI), when I start wetting myself and the bed and bladder starts convulsing then it's not great. So off to hospital myself because if I leave it then I'll be arriving in an ambulance with a temperature and it's more dangerous. I experience 1 or 2 a year and they are always out of the blue.

    I also have immunoglobulin issues which are low and have compromised my immune system which is still being looked into. But it's things that can only be treated but never fully healed from, meaning heavy fatigue, health problems and pain. I don't know what that road looks like but I'm prepared with a good outlook and know I'm blessed for the life I get to live. I just want to be the best I can to provide the best life for my son. I pray for all these people in here as they all have different issues yet we are all human, we all community, we should all care. Lots of love and blessings to you all.

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