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Faith's Wish to Walk

  • An update on Faith's surgery.

      29 July 2020
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    Arohanui and hello to all our friends and supporters,

    It has been a while since I have updated you all of Faith's surgery.

    Firstly we want to say thank you to you all, for patiently waiting with us on the news of her SDR surgery, and again, thank you for your continuing prayers for her healing.

    We have been spinning around for the past month or so. While New Zealand is under level one lockdown, we were able to catch up on many appointments and meet with medical experts who look after Faith. Mummy is back as the "chauffeur" taking Faith and Nathan back to school/therapies, helping Nathan with his homework, and doing exercises with Faith. Once lockdown has eased, we took some time out to look after our parents, so life in our household is always on the go.

    Our thoughts are never far from Faith's surgery. In my spare time, I watched a lot of news, such as New Zealand local news, BBC, NBC, as well as St Louis local news. We faced new challenges, while COVID 19 pandemic is gripping the world.

    Currently, these are some questions which we are facing, and we are yet to find all the answers:

    # Finding medical insurance that will cover us for our travels. New Zealand government has issued advice regarding the avoidance of unnecessary oversea trips. This advice impacted on what travel insurance covers (COVID 19 is not covered). It has also restricted flight schedules and tightened border control. A month ago, Air NZ announced flights to St Louis are available as early as September 1st; however, this has been pushed back to October.

    # Travel safety. Major transit points on the West Coast of America to St Louis have newly confirmed COVID 19 cases daily. Masks are mandatory in many states, while other states have no such requirement. We hope the use of masks will reduce the risk soon.

    # Date for SDR Surgery.

    We have been communicating via email with Dr Park's team. In our last email, they have advised us that we can plan for Faith's surgery from October onwards. Faith has weak chest muscle from CP, and has recovered from Chronic Lung Diseases within the first 6 months of her life on an oxygen machine, she is prone to pneumonia (memories of hospital stays still scares me). For now, no doctor can confirm the potential long-term damage, neurologically and physically, that COVID 19 can have on a CP child. We need to make sure we are making the right decision on the timing of the surgery, and hope this will reduce the risk that we might expose her to.

    With all that said, John and I have decided to request January 2021 for Faith's surgery, and I have just received a response this morning confirming they will pencil her in for January, and will liaise with us for a firm date later in the year. We are in prayer, and hope by January 2021, COVID 19 can be better controlled, and we can keep her safer.

    From now on we have a lot of work in front of us. We have a window of opportunity to help her body be stronger for the surgery. We will also have to work hard to combat her growth spurt during the last few months, which has made her muscles tighter and pull on her bones. Unfortunately, some of the short-term assistance that we could get her, such as Botox, faces a long waitlist due to the lockdown.

    We will have to be vigilant and keep her movement going, doubling our effort to continue the fight with her spasticity.

    We pray that surging numbers of COVID 19 in the world will settle, so our friends and families around the world will be safe, and we can continue our travel for Faith.

    May health and peace be with you and your household.

    From Jessica and John

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  • Thank you to all of you that has been giving us your love and support.

      7 May 2020
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    To the amazing supporters that has been sharing your Aroha with us,

    It has been a while since our last update from the beginning of the Covid-19 lockdown.

    Since the lockdown we have been staying at home within our bubble. Faith has been working really hard keeping up with her physio home program. We been chatting all day to her to improve her language. She loves how everyone is around her all day and loves to giggle to funny things.

    We like to share with you our good news on this give-a-little platform. With love and kindness given by you , support from our community, our dear friends and family around the country and the world, we have been so blessed to have reached our goal of $150,000.

    We wish we can say thank you to each and every one of you who helped Faith. With your support, a chance has been given for Faith to have a surgery that will hugely impact her life. Words can not begin to describe it.

    At the moment all the international patients are back on the waiting list.

    We are watching the international news everyday, waiting to be contacted for a surgery date from the St Louis Children's Hospital (Missouri). The hospital will have more update for us after June.

    We will close this donation page now, but will continue putting our updates on our Facebook, and on this Give-a-little page ( we are hoping the platform will continue letting us update).

    Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.God bless you and your family with peace and joy.

    Your sincerely,

    John and Jessica

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  • Update for Faith's surgery

      21 March 2020

    Dear friends, families and supporters:

    Thank you all for your concerns, sending us your love and words of encouragement. We have been on an emotional roller coaster these two weeks (especially the last couple of days), and now I am ready to sit down and share our update with you.

    A curve ball was thrown to us earlier this week.

    Air New Zealand and some of other major airlines have decided to reduce their flight by 80%. Stopping flights to America and its transit cities.

    New Zealand Government closed its borders, only allowing NZ citizen's to enter. They are urging its citizen's to stop travelling and come back home before the returning flights are no longer available.

    On Thursday morning, our surgeon Dr Park made an announcement that he is to cancel and postpone all his surgeries until further notice. A quick phone call to his assistance in St Louis revealed that we will be back on waitlist, alongside so many of Dr Park's international patients around the world, affected by the various restrictions because of the Corona Virus. This means we will no longer have Faith's surgery on the 29th of April.

    Today, number of Corona Virus in New Zealand continue to rise, reaching 39 people to date. Public spaces like pools, libraries, city hall's, museums and many more are closed. We are unsure yet whether Government will close the schools or not.

    For us, this was a blow one after another, mix in with tears, frustration and stress. But a friend's comforting words rings in my ears " she is loved, and your arms is only what she really need, what you are actually doing is opening up her life for millions and millions of changes and there is no time limit on that!", and that really hits home (thank you Kat).

    At this time, we will look after each other and keeping each other safe. Faith's Cerebral Palsy mean's she has weaker muscle in her breathing system, making her quite vulnerable and a high risk. So I will be taking time out looking after her and the family, making sure we can safely ride this out.

    Let us remember to help each other with kindness and love,

    May we continue to give thanks and praise Him in the toughest time, and may God bless you and your love ones, to be safe from harm, to be strong and without fear.

    ❤️ Jessica and John

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  • Thank you all for your love and support!

      11 March 2020
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    Thank you all for your amazing support and donations towards Faith's life changing surgery.

    Faith has been working very hard getting her muscle and body stronger so she can best withstand the surgery, and we have been working tirelessly fundraising for her. We have done bake sales, book fundraising, raffles, movie day, samosas and salmon fundraising. We are ever blessed to have love and support from friends and families here and overseas, national newspaper "NZ Herald", organisations that support children with disability, churches, social media, community groups/special individuals, and all of you amazing people from Faith's give-a-little page, so far we have raised little over $130,000 and not far to go towards our goal of $150,000.

    We are so touched by your kind words of encouragement and love, our deepest gratitude to everyone that gave us the helping hand and walk with us on this life changing journey.

    May your blessing upon us brings you and your family blessings many, many times over.

    Yours Sincerely,

    John, Jessica, Faith and Nathan

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    • 30/07/2020 by Phyl

      Hello Jessica and John

      Thank you so much for your update, you have so much to contend with and yet you are able to take the time to update us all on Faith. Thank you! It’s certainly not an easy road for you, especially at this time when nothing in this entire world is ‘normal’. Know that you have many prayers going up on your behalf, for Faith and also for you and your family that you will have continued strength to keep on doing what you have to. Our prayers go up on behalf of the medical staff who are working with you also that they may have God given wisdom. May God bless you as you continue to care for your beautiful little Faith. And never forget that God loves Faith even more than you do.

      Wishing you much of God’s blessings
