Update and heartfelt thanks
6 December 2020After a few weeks of silence, and as we struggle to come to terms with the reality of the situation, we would like to give you an update on the status of the search.
Today, Sunday December 6 marks 95 days since Gulf Livestock 1 sank, and Lochie went missing. The last of our private air searches took place from October 26 until October 29, and covered the remaining islands in the Amami and Tokara Island groups, as well as the Izu Island’s, which at that stage also fell within the drift model.
Our last satellite pass over was on October 22nd. Nothing of significance was found in these searches and unfortunately, we reached a point where there was nothing more we could do. The outcome obviously has not been one that we were all hoping for.
For those of you who rallied behind us, as we fought to continue to search for Lochie - believing that something incredible could happen, we owe you our utmost thanks. The huge amount of money that was raised for the search is a reflection of the care and love that everybody had for Lochie and us as a family. And for those of you who donated, yet didn’t know Lochie or us personally, thank you for joining us in hope, as we navigated through this seemingly impossible storm. Without this financial support, we would not have been able to search for as long as we did, or allow us to do all that we were able to.
Mention must be made to Charlie and Harry, and the other friends and family of Australian Will Mainprize, who stood with us and coordinated the on the ground logistics of the private search out of Japan. While we faced many major obstacles, we have been overwhelmed at the support given by private individuals and organisations who donated their expertise and time to assist us in our efforts.
Once again, we thank you for your incredible generosity and kindness shown throughout this extremely challenging time.
With thanks,
The Bellerby Family