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Fiona McKay

  • Christmas is coming....

      26 October 2016
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    Wow - I can't quite believe it - only 8 weeks until Santa arrives......

    Excitement is growing in our house. But I cant help and think about last Christmas, Fiona was in intensive care and not expected to survive. We were told it would be a miracle if she did.

    Well, we had our miracle and for this I am so very thankful.

    But recovery from this kind of severe brain injury is a long, long process.

    Recently, and reluctantly,Fiona had to come back to NZ. The Australian system refused to support her - a tax paying kiwi doesn't count for much.Heartbreaking. Fiona had to leave her beloved daughters behind in Australia. All of you can understand how hard this is.

    Fiona is amazing and I love her. She is doing everything she can to help herself but she needs support to continue her journey. If you can, please help Fiona and give a donation today.

    Recently, I dropped Fiona at her friend's house. When Fiona got out of the car Eva, my four year old said 'please look after Aunty Fiona, she isn't well - give her cuddles'.

    If you can please help Eva and I give Fiona a cuddle, message of support or donation so she can continue her journey.

    With grateful thanks.

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  • Weekend with Fiona

      12 June 2016
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    It's been around 6 weeks since I have seen Fiona. And in that time I have worried and worried as she grows thinner and thinner with the stress and difficulties of trying to get her life back.

    So, it's wonderful to be in Australia with Fiona again. Yes, there are still many challenges but Fiona is doing so incredibly well, she continues to amaze me with her strength and determination.

    Fiona is now living independently and working hard towards her goals.

    It seems as if I can literally see Fiona's brain re wiring in her beautiful face with smiles and expressions that simply weren't there 6 weeks ago.

    We have spent the weekend with Olivia and Estella doing the type of things we usually would have - a bush walk, coffee out and even a trip to Vivid.

    All incredible achievements when you consider that 6 months ago this weekend Fiona nearly died. We are so blessed to have you still with us Fee. You enrich our lives in so many ways.

    In case you missed it here is a link to a recent article about Fiona and her struggle to access financial support.

    Thank you so much for your continued support of Fiona and our family. It is with your help that Fiona is able to have this time to heal and move forward with her life and for this we are truly grateful.

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  • Where to from here........

      2 May 2016

    “So how are you doing?”

    Adjusting, I tell everyone.



    Yes, its fantastic Fiona is out of hospital and is doing so amazingly well. Yes, everyday her determination and strength shine through. But there are so many challenges ahead. To be honest, sometimes it seems like too many challenges.

    I am angry. And I’m sad.

    The Australian Government has just thrown yet another shitty obstacle our way. Fiona had been denied the sickness benefit, despite paying Australian taxes for 15 years, because she is a Kiwi. We appealed and rightly won.

    But now that decision has been revoked because Fiona left Australia for just two weeks.

    We have been at Fiona’s bedside and away from home since December. So when she was finally discharged from hospital but still needing 24/7 care she agreed to come back to NZ for a fortnight traveling with me. I simply couldn’t be away from Eva (3 and a half) and Ted (22 months) any longer. So, in this crisis we came home.

    Centrelink, (the Australian Government work and income department), say that our latest appeal needs a legislation change to win.

    Australia is Fiona’s home. She doesn’t deserve this. Nobody does. She is trapped unable to work and without support, because that’s where her children are. As a parent can you imagine anything worse than being separated from your children?

    Accidents happen. And they can happen at any time to anyone of us. When an accident like this happens what you need is love, support, rehabilitation and care. That isn’t what is happening with Fiona. I feel crushed by the way Fiona has been abandoned by the country she calls home.

    I hate to feel powerless so today I contacted our local MP and explained Fiona’s situation. Fiona did the same in the Blue Mountains.

    Lets hope that somehow this will come to something.

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  • Discharge

      7 April 2016

    Last Friday Fiona was discharged from Hospital.

    And although Fiona is pleased to be home it's an incredibly stressful and confronting time. Life has changed and all the most important parts of Fiona's life are yet to return, her girls, her work and her independence.

    Fiona is determined as ever to keep facing her challenges and get back to her life.

    So in between Centrelink and Dr's appointments we spent time with beautiful Olivia and Estella. The girls are amazing, incredibly resilant and totally thrilled to be eating some of mum's cooking - 'mum makes the best lasagne'.

    We also managed to catch up with some of Fiona's wonderful friends. The love and support this week has been fantastic and has made such a difference to us as we adjust and find our way through the next phase of Fiona's recovery.

    Today Fiona and I fly to NZ for a short holiday. I hope Fiona will be able to relax and enjoy spending time with family and friends. I can't wait to see my babies - I have missed them terribly.

    As always please accept my heartfelt thanks for your continued kindness and support - we couldn't do this without you.

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  • Home for Easter

      26 March 2016
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    This Easter Fiona is spending two nights at home with Olivia, Estella - supported by Nat and Donna.

    Amazing progress Fiona!

    Hopefully Fiona and the girls will get some comfort from spending time with each other that isn't in hospital and enjoy some of the ordinary things we take for granted.

    I can't imagine what it would be like to be seperated from my kids for over 3 months and I hope with all my heart that Fiona can soon see the need to continue her rehab so she can regain her independence and reach her full potential.

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  • Out for a walk

      6 March 2016

    Fiona has been gaining confidence walking around the rehab unit. So yesterday, Stu and Fee were able to go out for a walk.

    They walked to a park in the hospital grounds.

    It takes a lot of concentration for Fiona to walk outside. She wears a belt around her waist in case she tumbles. And she was pretty tired on her return trip.

    But another vital step in Fiona's recovery and a welcome distraction.


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