Well The Worst Happened...
8 October 2022Unfortunately 2 weeks ago Donna relapsed.
Poor wee Donna began having seizures and was feeling unwell again. To say I am devastated is an understatement. This poor wee girl has been though it all. Her eyesight has also been affected this time around.
We have been fortunate enough to be in contact with a wonderful researcher in Australia who has dedicated his life to helping kitties with FIP. He has found a new drug that we are luckily enough to be able to get here. The cost is $20 per pill and it lasts 5 days (about), given in 0.25mg amounts twice a day. I have had to buy some very small scales and do a measure every morning and night and mix with dine treats.
Since being on the new treatment, her seizures have stopped and shes gaining weight really well.
Still a big setback as now it won't be until after the New Year until we know for sure if she has kicked this nasty ailment in the ass...