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From a Horse with Love

$35 donated
Given by 2 generous donors in around 8 months

A charitable organisation (CC53401) set up to provide equine assisted activities directed at improving and supporting mental wellness.


'From a Horse with Love' is a charitable organisation (CC53401) set up to provide equine assisted activities directed at improving and supporting mental wellness within the rural Franklin district.

With an invested interest in equines and an educated background in Psychology, Melinda dedicates herself in providing a welcoming environment in which harnesses the natural awareness and somewhat healing power of horses while providing fundamental skills to improve ones own mental wellness through a series of programmes and experiential learning.

What makes us unique is we choose to use rescued ponies in our programme giving children, adolescents and young adults the opportunity to work alongside vulnerable ponies in which those utilizing this service may relate, connect and understand to better than those horses whom have gone through rigorous training programmes.

We are currently awaiting charitable registration so at the moment we are fully reliant on the support of our local communities. As we have just taken two Kaimanawas from the recent muster (mare and foal) we are requiring expenses directly relating to their care to ensure they receive the best start possible and will therefore go on to contribute significantly to our upcoming equine assisted activities programme.

We are also needing to purchase riding gear for our clients undergoing hippotherapy (saddles, bridles, monkey straps, safety stirrups etc)

Melinda Haffenden's involvement (page creator)

I am the co-founder of 'From a Horse with Love'

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Latest donations

Vanessa + kids
Vanessa + kids on 20 May 2016
Love your work xx
Private Donor
Private Donor on 20 May 2016
Private Donor
Private Donor on 20 May 2016
Private Donor
Private Donor on 20 May 2016

Who's involved?

Melinda Haffenden's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Melinda Haffenden on behalf of From a Horse with Love

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This campaign started on 16 May 2016 and ended on 31 Dec 2016.