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The (Birth) Mother of all fundraisers!

$2,710 of $2,500 goal
Given by 46 generous donors in 26 days

After 31 years I am finally going to meet my Birth Mother in Hong Kong! Please help my mother meet my Birth Mother with me!

Bay of Plenty

As an orphan. This is it. What you see is what you get.

Or at least that's how I've felt for the last 30 or so years... until July of last year...

I. Found. My. Birth. Mother!


I was born in Hong Kong & spent the first 2 years in an Orphanage. Then... Thank the Lord, I was adopted by a couple of amazing New Zealanders!

My beautiful mother, Annette has raised me as one of her own (in a crazy family of 5 kids!) and taught me so much about being a mother, having courage to go for my dreams and be who I am, even in the face of adversity.

She is the backbone of our family and shown my siblings and I what courage really means. She has been a dedicated mother to us 5 all our lives and my dream is for her to meet my birth mother with me. To connect my past with my present. To also, selfishly, have my mother, and best friend, with me when I make one of the most important and life-changing steps I've ever undertaken.

So here I am in the start of a New Year asking for your help.

My Birth Mother has generously offered to pay for myself, husband, and our beautiful one year old daughter to go to Hong Kong THIS February so we can ring in the Chinese New Year and meet her and the rest of my bio-whanau for the first time. I would LOVE to have my mother experience this meeting with us.

Our dream has always been to go back and search for my Birth Mother together. To retrace from the Hospital I was born in to the Orphanage I lived in. To experience the culture I know nothing about and above all, meet my Birth Mother.

The money will go toward her plane ticket and travel costs.

So even if you can only Give A Little... It would mean A Lot... to me and my mother.

From the bottom of my heart, Thank You.

Sama Dean's involvement (page creator)

I am the daughter of this amazing woman.

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Blog Update: Blast From The Past (The Countdown is onnnn!)  2 February 2015

Far Out! We made it! Woot Woot! THANK YOU!!! I seriously can't believe it! Mama is coming to Hong Kong with me!!!!

Thank you for your continued generosity toward my Mama et Me! We are so grateful for your help!

Ps. For those of you who were wishing to bless my Mama but hadn't yet, GOOD NEWS! There is still 2 DAYS left!!! So please continue to share, tweet, talk and of course, Donate! So we can BLAST that Goal out of the water!!!

(Any extra will go towards my Mama's Travel insurance and expenses)

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Summah Francis
Summah Francis on 03 Feb 2015
Wish it could be more but we are broke arse n*ggas atm lol, all the best anyway, loving the blog! Keep it going, can't wait to hear how it goes, think of you often xox
Reub, Mel and Tribe
Reub, Mel and Tribe on 03 Feb 2015
This will be a great trip guys. We are with you all the way!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Feb 2015
I wish you an amazingly blessed trip!
Dana on 02 Feb 2015
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Feb 2015

Who's involved?

Sama Dean's avatar
Created by Sama Dean
Annette Woods's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Annette Woods
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This campaign started on 8 Jan 2015 and ended on 3 Feb 2015.