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The (Birth) Mother of all fundraisers!

  • Blog Update: Blast From The Past (The Countdown is onnnn!)

      2 February 2015

    Far Out! We made it! Woot Woot! THANK YOU!!! I seriously can't believe it! Mama is coming to Hong Kong with me!!!!

    Thank you for your continued generosity toward my Mama et Me! We are so grateful for your help!

    Ps. For those of you who were wishing to bless my Mama but hadn't yet, GOOD NEWS! There is still 2 DAYS left!!! So please continue to share, tweet, talk and of course, Donate! So we can BLAST that Goal out of the water!!!

    (Any extra will go towards my Mama's Travel insurance and expenses)

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  • Blog Update: Great Expectations and the Hidden Costs...

      22 January 2015

    This blog update has been a wee while coming. I've had a hard time figuring out how I feel lately and why... I hope it helps anyone who may be on the same journey or even if anyone is just interested. It's hard to expect the unexpected, and this journey is a tumultuous one at times, I'm not going to lie...

    Ps. My Oh my, how time does fly! 12 DAYS to GO! Please continue to share, tweet, talk, and hopefully DONATE!!! We are soooo very close! Thank y'all from the bottom of my heart! xo Apparently our article was also in The Gisborne Herald! Woohoo!

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  • New Blog Update: Bay Of Plenty: Times they could be a changin'

      19 January 2015

    See what I did there?! ^^ Okay, not my best title...

    This Blog Post is about how the Bay Of Plenty Times news article came about. Short and sweet. Just like me.

    Ps. We have just made it over HALF way! Woohoo! I am so grateful to our friends & whanau who have donated & completely blown away by those who I may not know personally but who have supported this cause! Thank you!

    15 days to go so please continue to share, 'like', tweet, and donate! Arohanui. xo

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  • Who's Your Daddy (Part 2)

      17 January 2015

    Hi, the last couple days have been a whirlwind that I forgot to add this update! This post is about my Birth Father and my (adopted) Dad.

    This week we have been trying to get our passport applications sorted. In the mail today/Friday! Yay!!! (FYI. Taking pictures with toddlers is a job for a magician...)

    I also have some exciting news to post later!!! So stay tuned!

    Ps. We are almost HALF WAY!! Woot Woot! Thank y'all so much for your generous giving to our cause and input into our lives! Your words of encouragement, and excitement, mean a lot. Arohanui. xo

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  • Blog Update: Nice To Skype You... Sort Of.

      15 January 2015

    Hi Y'all! I just wanted to say: Thank you ALL for your generous donations and awesome shares on FB! My whanau and I appreciate more than you know... xo

    As promised I am trying to keep my journey up to date as the countdown is on! 19 days till this fundraiser ends! and 4 weeks until we go to Hong Kong to meet my Birth Mother!!!

    ps. This blog post made me nervous... as usual it's an unexpected piece of the journey so far!

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