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Fundraise for Jai

  • Surgery update

      13 February 2024
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    Jai had his surgery yesterday, his surgery went for 5 hours! What a tough little man. He is now recovering at starship with his mum and dad.

    Thank you all so much for your donations, myself and Jai’s family are so appreciative and blown away from your generosity, support and help ❤️

    Once again thank you and we will keep you updated on his recovery ❤️

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    • 14/02/2024 by Leigh

      You little darling, what a brave brave boy, all the best to you all, lots of love


  • Surgery

      11 February 2024

    Jai is heading into surgery tomorrow. Thank you all so much for your donations ❤️ I will keep you updated on how his surgery and recovery goes. Thank you all so much again

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