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Sophies Legacy

  • Sophies Birthday

      27 July 2015
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    I apologize for the delay to update.

    On Sophies birthday 23rd of July, we took the bears over to Tauranga Hospital. It was a lovely visit, to talk to the manager of Maternity & gift these beautiful bears in memory of Sophie. For these families going through childloss, i hope these bears bring a little bit of comfort & support in knowing that they are not alone as they begin their journey.

    We have extra bears here in the hope to gift to those others who have lost a child. Last year were different but similar bears to this years, the tags will remain the same.

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  • Sophies Tags have Arrived!

      14 July 2015
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    So over the past week we have ordered the tags to clip onto the bears, And as of today the have arrived! They are the same as last years tags as the will be every year but we do hope to change the bears each year although keeping them similar. This year we will have few extra bears in the hope to gift them or maybe make a small sale profit from them to those others that have lost or those who know of families that have lost a child. All extra funds made from the extra bears will be kept to fund sophies legacy further. i cant wait to take the bears to tauranga hospital on sophies birthday! <3

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