Georgie the Cat needs a perineal urethrostomy

$1,625 of $4,050 goal
Given by 40 generous donors in 14 days

We are raising money for our cat Georgie to have a perineal urethrostomy and help to pay off current vet bills.


Georgie is our family cat and our dogs best friend.

Back in December he had a blockage in his bladder and needed urgent vet care. Thankfully we got him to the vet, literally just in time as if he was left untreated any longer he would have died. He stayed in the emergency vet for two nights and was able to come home where he was taken to our local vet for further care. We were advised to change his food immediately and he would now be on a new diet of special cat food for the rest of his life. The vet bills were quite expensive for a family just before Christmas time and we were allowed to pay it off.

Two weeks later Georgie had another blockage. Thankfully this was caught in time and he seemed to recover quickly. The vet suggested we wait a couple of weeks to see if his change in diet helped. We were also advised to look into surgery- a perineal urethrostomy. This is where the urethra is widened making it far less likely for further blockages to occur. The cost for the surgery ranges from $1600- $3000.

Last week Georgie had another blockage and was rushed to the emergency vet. Again it was quite bad and we were encouraged to book in for the surgery. Georgie is now booked in for surgery on March 28th.

So far we have spent (and are paying off):

$1320- Emergency vet

$176.19- Local Vet

$105.13- Local vet

$847.90- Emergency Vet

$1600- Surgery

Use of funds

The money will go towards surgery for our cat, Georgie and to help pay off our current vet bills.

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Georgie’s progress  12 April 2023

Georgie has been home for a week and recovering really well. Below is a photo I was able to capture of Georgie with our dog, Lenny. These two have really missed each other while Georgie was having his surgery. Now that Georgie is back in his home environment, his recovery is super speedy.

We took Georgie for a check up at the vet yesterday so that the nurse could check his stitches. She is very happy with how he is healing.

We are so grateful for all your support and well wishes. Thank you so much.

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Frances on 05 Apr 2023
Hope this helps towards Georgie
Anna on 04 Apr 2023
My moggy Rufus has had issues with bladder crystals and costly stays in the past, I can't imagine being without him and am totally glad his condition never got to the point Georgies has. I wish I could give more. Sending love
Jo & James
Jo & James on 03 Apr 2023
A little bit that I hope goes a long way 🥰
Aimee on 03 Apr 2023
Nikita Weir

Awww thank you for your kind donation, it means a lot.Xx

Nikita Weir
Amy on 03 Apr 2023
Nikita Weir

Nawww Thank you so much for your support. Really appreciate it.Xx

Nikita Weir

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Nikita Weir
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This campaign started on 26 Mar 2023 and ended on 9 Apr 2023.