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Georgie the Cat needs a perineal urethrostomy

  • Georgie’s progress

      12 April 2023
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    Georgie has been home for a week and recovering really well. Below is a photo I was able to capture of Georgie with our dog, Lenny. These two have really missed each other while Georgie was having his surgery. Now that Georgie is back in his home environment, his recovery is super speedy.

    We took Georgie for a check up at the vet yesterday so that the nurse could check his stitches. She is very happy with how he is healing.

    We are so grateful for all your support and well wishes. Thank you so much.

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  • Update on Georgie

      3 April 2023
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    I was able to visit Georgie at the vet on Saturday. He was very happy to see me. Very smoochy and loved the attention. He was able to have the cone off from around his neck although I'm not sure for how long because he was really keen to give himself a good clean as often as he could. The vet was still a bit concerned about the blood clots as Georgie was needing some help to wee.

    Call from the vet today (Monday) and I am able to pick Georgie up tomorrow. He is very popular with the team and is enjoying all of the attention and extra pats.

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  • Update on Georgie

      31 March 2023
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    Georgie had his surgery this week and it went well. He is still at the vet- meant to come home Friday. I went to visit him yesterday and give him a cuddle. He didn't realise it was me at first until he heard my voice. He began rolling around in his cage and was very smoochy. I took him out to give him a cuddle and he immediately began purring. It was very hard to leave him.

    I got a call from the vet today and unfortunately I am unable to bring him home today as he has some blood clots and needs to be monitored. I will go back and visit him again tomorrow.

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