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Get Hayley standing on her own 2 feet

  • Update On Hayley's Progress

      11 September 2024
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    Morena Hayley Friends and Supporters

    Hayley and Family arrived home on 2 September and are settling back into school and life in NZ.

    I have attached a photo of Hayley taking her first steps in New Zealand, and I hope that you all feel as proud as I do of the contribution, we collectively made to support Anna's choice of a better life for Hayley than what was offered in New Zealand.

    As I have mentioned in other posts the outcome of this surgery is beyond what we expected. I met with Anna on the weekend, and she told me that as a family they could not have asked for a better surgeon or better care than what they received at Shriners. We thank them from the bottom of our hearts for the aroha they showed the entire family during Hayley's four-month admission.

    Hayley and Lucy left a huge mark on the Greenville community. The Lions wrapped themselves around the family and provided incredible support for them all. Before the family left, they thanked Anna for having the opportunity to support a small girl from New Zealand. After COVID the Lions felt they had kind of lost their way. Hayley's cause gave them a purpose and they hope to continue this by supporting other families at Shriners.

    Hayley and Lucy also captured the hearts of the team at the YMCA where the girls did swimming lessons. Check out Hayley's Facebook page to see a piece by the local news station that aired just as they left.

    I will continue with updates over the coming months.

    Thank you all


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  • Hayley Update

      20 August 2024
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    Morena Hayley Friends and Supporters

    I thought to provide an update on Hayley and the family as their time in Greenville draws to an end. They will be returning to New Zealand at the end of August.

    We continue to be blown away by the success of this surgery and Hayley's determination to walk and be self-sufficient. It is so joyful to see her participating in normal life as a standing person. The ability to participate more freely in games and fun with her sister Lucy has been a standout for me.

    While in Greenville Hayley has been having swimming lessons. This past week she managed to swim a half a length of the pool, tread water for 60 seconds and then crack on with some back stroke!

    Hayley celebrated her 6th birthday at the start of the month. The family took the opportunity to visit Disney World and Hayley had the best day with all her favourite princesses. Such well-deserved treat for a brave girl.

    I will continue to update you once the family have returned to NZ and Hayley's journey continues with her care shifting to NZ.

    Thank you all once again for your kindness and aroha.


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  • Hayley Update

      20 July 2024
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    Morena Hayley Friends and Supporters

    It's been a few weeks since our last update, so tune in for the latest from Greenville. :-)

    The family have had the opportunity to participate in the 4th of July celebrations and due to the kindness of supporters in Greenville have been able to spend some time at a local lake for a few days.

    Hayley will be staying in Greenville until the end of August. Shriners are supporting Hayley with physical therapy until the end of that month and with the results seen so far, Anna is keen to take advantage of everything Shriners has to offer.

    I have attached a gorgeous photo of Anna and Hayley to this update. This is what we all dreamed of and supported when we appealed to you for help. Thanks to everyone on this page Hayley is standing tall and is learning how to walk. To see her in action check out her Facebook page.

    We are blown away by the results of the surgery and Hayley's continued determination to walk and move freely. What a kid!

    Thank you once again for your aroha and support. It really does mean the world to Hayley.


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    • 22/07/2024 by John

      Great to see Hayley make such amazing progress.Thinking about you lots, Bronto

  • Update on Hayley's Progress

      21 June 2024
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    Morena Hayley Supporters and Friends

    We were not planning on making an update for another 10 days or so, but the past week has been so uplifting and exciting we wanted to share it with you now.

    A few days ago, Hayley had her leg casts removed and was fitted with splints for both her legs which she will wear for 23 hours each day. She had her first bath in 6 weeks (heaven) and has started physical therapy.

    Hayley's progress since, has left us reeling with the possibilities for her future. Hayley's spunk and bravery is really shining through now. She is getting a feel for her new long legs. Her determination to stand and walk is evident in each therapy session. Just today she has been taking small steps on a treadmill, supported by a harness. The video is on Facebook if you want to check it out.

    Attached is a photo of Hayley standing tall in a walker, getting a feel for her new feet and legs. This is only a day or two into therapy! We can't wait to see what the coming weeks bring.

    Seeing these images from Greenville has brought tears to my eyes. We are once again so grateful for your support, love and kindness. I hope you enjoyed this update as much as I have enjoyed sending it to you.


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  • June Update on Hayley

      11 June 2024
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    Morena Hayley Friends and Supporters

    A quick update on Hayley's progress as we move through June.

    Last week Hayley had her hip and leg cast removed and this has been replaced with two leg casts. Hayley will wear these leg casts for two weeks. Once these have been removed Hayley will begin daily physical therapy to gain mobility and strength in legs and hips.

    While initially not so certain about her new leg shape over the recent weeks Hayley has embraced the feelings of standing and 'walking' in her casts. The attached picture shows Hayley standing straight and tall, the surgery giving her an extra 10 cm of height. :-)

    Hayley is continuing her learning through home schooling. While in Greenville the family have been exploring the amazing educational facilities on offer allowing both Hayley and sister Lucy to experience unique learning situations.

    I will send an update through in July to let you know how Hayley's physical therapy is progressing.

    Thank you for continuing to keep us in your thoughts and prayers.

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  • Update On Hayley's Progress

      14 May 2024

    Morena Hayley Friends and Supporters

    We wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your support and send you an update on Hayley's progress.

    The family travelled to Greenville at the end of April, arriving there on 1 May. Hayley's surgery took place last week. While Hayley is still in a lot of pain, each day is a small step forward to a brighter one. The surgery took 8 hours and Hayley is in full leg casts post-surgery.

    Remember you can follow this brave wee girl on Hayley's Facebook page Anna posts regular updates on the page.

    Thank you for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.


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  • Thank you All!

      24 April 2024
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    Kia ora Hayley friends and supporters.

    We have been overwhelmed! The kindness and generosity of this community of people has blown us away.

    We are so happy to tell you all that we now have sufficient funds to cover Hayley's trip to the US for surgery. Although the dollar amount in the campaign has not been met, we have made up the difference in services and off GAL donations thanks to the support of the South Carolina Lions Club.

    The family leave for the US on Monday afternoon/evening. Hayley is in excellent spirits and ready to take on the journey.

    This campaign will end at midnight tonight. To keep in touch with Hayley's Journey please follow her Facebook page, where we will continue with updates on Hayley's progress.

    Once again thank you all for your support. Please continue keep us in your thoughts and prayers over the coming four months.


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  • Hayley Update

      13 April 2024
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    I wanted to update you on how we are tracking with Hayley's Journey to Stand Tall.

    Everything is in place with the family due to leave towards the end of the month, scheduled to arrive in the US on 1 May 2024. Hayley and sister Lucy are very excited about the plane trip!

    Anna has today spoken with the surgeon who will be working with Hayley. This has provided added confidence in a positive outcome for Hayley.

    We are so grateful to everyone who has contributed to this Give A Little page. Without the kindness of you all out there this would not be happening.

    We have a special shout out to Kairanga Lions who have connected with the South Carolina Lions who have gone above and beyond in providing a rental car, and a bunch of other thoughtful gifts and actions.

    We promise to keep you up to date with Hayley's progress.

    In the meantime, thank you so much for keeping us in your thoughts. You have helped to make a change for good.

    Kind regards


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  • Change of Closing Date for Campaign 30 April 2024

      13 March 2024


    Today we are extending the date of the Give A Little Campaign to the end of April 2024. We still have around $20k to fundraise and this date gives us a little more time to make the end total.

    Hayley is doing well at school and enjoying her other activities. Check her Facebook page to see her in action! :-)

    We continue to be blown away by the generosity of our communities. We are incredibly grateful to everyone for your support.

    With thanks


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  • Revised Goal now $75K

      23 February 2024


    Over the past few days, we have been revising the budget for Hayley's Journey. With confirmed travel and surgery dates we have been able to pin down some of the larger costs with actual figures.

    Anna's mum was able to secure accommodation close to the hospital at a very reasonable rate compared to what we had researched. We have also had confirmation that Shriners will cover the cost of all post-operative physical therapy, which has removed a very expensive line from the budget.

    This means that we have been able to reassess the cost for the trip down to $75k. Which makes us very happy. April is rapidly approaching, and while there is still so much to do, we are feeling very confident.

    Thank you for your donations, we are currently tracking strongly towards the $75k. We are so grateful to everyone for their support.

    Tēnā rawa atu koe

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  • Morena - Update on Hayley's Journey

      15 February 2024

    A quick update on what has been happening since we got the big news of a confirmed surgery date.

    It has been action station! A confirmed date means that Anna has been able to progress passports, visas, accommodation, and flight bookings. There is so much to organise. Visas for the family is the most critical item at the moment.

    Hayley is in fine spirits and has settled back into school. She is spending as much time as she can in the water where she is really developing skills for working with water.

    The Give-a-Little page has shown amazing momentum, currently tracking at 50% of the required funds. Anna and her family are truly grateful for the generosity shown by people from far and wide.

    Have a fabulous rest of the day. Jo

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  • Confirmed Surgery Date

      9 February 2024
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    We are still reeling from news overnight that a date for Hayley's surgery has been locked in at Shriner's Children's Hospital in South Carolina.

    Anna and Hayley need to be in South Carolina for the 26th April with surgery scheduled for 8 May 2024!

    We are so grateful for the support we have had over 2 short weeks but now the real push comes on to raise the rest of the money required for the 4-month stay in South Carolina post-surgery.

    We would be so grateful if you could share Hayley's story with all your networks. You can find a link to Hayley's Facebook page below.

    Ngā mihi

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  • Thank you

      4 February 2024

    Reading through all the names of people we know and don't know, we are amazed by the generosity. Thank you all very much. Anna and Hayley

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  • Hayley's strengths and struggles

      1 February 2024

    As you can see she is very positive but the struggles are just below the surface

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  • Hayley introducing herself

      1 February 2024

    Hayley has Arthrogryposis and this is how it effects her limbs watch her demonstration.

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  • Back to School and Hello February

      1 February 2024
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    Kia Ora

    My name is Jo, and I am helping Anna with the Give a Little fundraising for Hayley's Journey. Both Anna and I will post through the page.

    We are blown away by the response to Hayley's Journey so far. In just 6 days we are almost at $6000 dollars. Thank you all so much.

    Hayley's summer adventures are over, and it is back to school this week for Hayley and big sister Lucy. It has been amazing to see Hayley grow in confidence at the beach and in the water. Water exercise is so good for her legs and for her self-esteem.

    We will post regular updates on Hayley's journey in the coming weeks. In the meantime, please do continue to spread the word and gather support through your networks. We truly appreciate every little bit of help.

    There are several groups/individuals that I know of who are organising fundraising activities/events to support Hayley. If you need any help, please do reach out.

    Ngā mihi nui


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  • a Really strong start

      30 January 2024

    Thank you so much to all the sharing and donations, with only the first names there I am trying to place who you are and say thank you. Very very kind of you all

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