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Get Joel Back On His Feet

  • Joel is coming home!

      24 July 2017

    On behalf of Joel's family, I am happy to announce that Joel has been given the 'green light' to travel back to New Zealand. This is much sooner than we all expected. Joel's doctors have confirmed that Joel will be safe to travel back to New Zealand this week.

    Joel has made some great progress with his recovery and he has moved to using crutches for a limited time. There is still a long way for Joel to go but the doctors are very happy with the progress he has made in a relatively short period of time. Our Dad is over in the UK with Joel at the moment and Joel will be travelling back with him Tuesday (UK time). They both arrive into New Zealand on Thursday (NZ time).

    Thank you all again for your incredible generosity. We are all looking forward to having Joel back in New Zealand where he can continue on the road to full recovery.



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  • Update on Joel's progress

      12 July 2017

    On behalf of Joel and our family, I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to the entire community that has rallied behind Joel and our family during this challenging time. It is hard to believe that it is now over 4 weeks since the events that lead to Joel's injuries. Again, I would like to thank you all for your continuing support and the very generous donations. It is very much appreciated.

    Joel has made great progress. On Friday, he was discharged from King's College Hospital in London. He was originally intended to be transferred to another hospital but because of progress made (and a lack of beds at the other hospital) he was discharged to his flat in Putney. Now that Joel has been discharged from hospital, our Dad has traveled to London to be with him for two weeks to assist him in these early days out of the hospital.

    Joel still uses a wheelchair to move around but is making progress with a walking frame. It is anticipated that his cast on his left foot will be removed in the next two weeks at which point he will move to a moon boot for that foot. It is envisaged that he will then undertake extensive rehabilitation to get mobile again with the walking frame and crutches. He still cannot weight-bear on his right foot/leg at all given the extent of the injuries. It is likely that it will be some time before he can weight-bear on his right foot.

    All going well, it is planned that Joel will be able to return to New Zealand in the next 6 weeks where he will continue his rehabilitation.

    Thanks again for all your kind words and support.

    Kent Perry

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  • Update from Joel

      25 June 2017
    Main image

    On behalf of Joel and our family, I would like to personally thank everybody who has expressed kind words and support through this challenging time. To all donors who have contributed to this cause, your kindness is unbelievable. My family are truly humbled by your generosity.

    Joel is still trucking along with recovery in King's College in London. He is undertaking physio and other therapy to try and move his joints and become mobile again. He still has significant swelling on both his left heel and his right foot which is making weight-bearing difficult at the moment. However, he is making good progress which is pleasing.

    Joel has messaged me with the following words that he would like me to share with all of you:

    "I would personally like to thank all donors for their kind words and generosity. I am truly overwhelmed by your support and every little bit will help me on my long road to recovery. Onwards and upwards. Cheers, Joel"

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