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Get Mitchell to WrestleMania 35

$25,304 of $50,000 goal
Given by 239 generous donors in around 4 months

Mitchell Fels is NZ’s biggest wrestling fan. He suffers from DMD and has lived longer than expected. We want to get him to WrestleMania 35!


Mitchell Fels is New Zealand’s biggest professional wrestling fan and New Zealand’s wrestling community are determined to give this extraordinary young man his dream - to go to WWE WrestleMania.

Mitchell was born with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), a progressive muscle disease that affects 1 out of every 3600 baby boys. DMD is the most common of nine muscular dystrophy disorders, and is characterized by progressive difficulty in walking and performing everyday activities as muscles to deteriorate and break down.

“Mitchell started walking at 16 months of age which was the first sign to us that something was wrong.”, Mitchell’s mother Jan Fels said. “Mitchell was diagnosed with DMD at the age of 3 at Starship Hospital. He struggled with walking and running at an early age and eventually ended up in a wheelchair at the age of 8. He has had numerous surgeries including Achilles Tendon release and a Spinal Rod Fusion the whole length of his spine.”

The simple tasks of itching his nose or brushing his teeth have to be done by his carer (namely Jan). Everyday tasks have become increasingly difficult including not being able to play his beloved Playstation anymore. At present Mitch can just use his computer mouse and drive his power wheelchair which has a specially adapted controller for him to use. He needs full support throughout the night because he can’t turn over in bed and uses a Bi-PAP ventilator to support his breathing through the night also.

He also has cardiac and respiratory problems along with numerous other conditions that go hand-in-hand with DMD.

Mitchell was not expected to live to 20 years of age, but now at age 24, he is beating the odds. Jan credits his love for wrestling for keeping him going.

Mitchell is a foundation member of the Auckland Powerchair Football Club, but wrestling is his real passion.

Wrestling has been his favourite sport since he was about a 5 year old. He has been an avid fan of Impact Pro Wrestling (IPW) in Auckland and has attended nearly every show for the last 14 years. He also attends other wrestling shows throughout New Zealand and has attended shows in Melbourne

Jan says that Mitchell watches wrestling day and night.

Mitchell is well known amongst the wrestling fraternity and has become friends with many of the performers.

Mitchell has a bucket list and on top of that is the ultimate trip of going to WWE WrestleMania in the USA. Due to his condition, Mitchell can not travel for more than four hours on any flight, making a trip to the USA a logistical challenge.

Michell’s IPW family are determined to make his dream a reality, but we need your help.

WrestleMania 35 takes place in New Jersey in April 2019 and the fundraising effort has begun. Money raised will be used to fund the complex international travel requirements, accommodation and hopefully give the Fels’ family some spending money to make this the holiday of a lifetime for Mitchell!

In an effort to promote the fundraising cause, former IPW New Zealand Heavyweight Champion, Vinny Dunn is competing in the Jade McKinnon NZ Fitness Model Search. The competition takes place at the NZ Fitness & Health Expo on October 27 & 28. Vinny plans on competing in the Fit Dad and Male Fitness Model categories.

The following businesses are sponsoring Vinny’s effort:

Wellbeing & Weightloss Clinic - Emmaline Fawcett - Nutritionist

Xtreme Nutrition – Roger Ventura – Supplement sponsorship

Just Train – Caleb Just – Personal Trainer

Impact Pro Wrestling have also thrown their support behind the fundraising effort. More information on IPW can be found at:

Vinny Dunn's involvement (page creator)

I am facilitating this fundraiser on behalf of the Fels family. Mitchell is a huge pro-wrestling fan and has supported us for over a decade and we are very keen to give back!

Use of funds

Money raised will be used to fund the complex international travel requirements for the Fels family (Mitchell can not spend more than four hours on a flight), accommodation and tickets to WrestleMania!

Latest update

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$2175 raised at IPW Time Crisis!  10 November 2018

Mitchell Fels poses with The Jukebox Hero after $2,175 was raised in auctions at Impact Pro Wrestling New Zealand Time Crisis tonight for the cause!!

Thank you IPW fans!!

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Azula on 20 Dec 2018
Capital Pro Wrestling
Capital Pro Wrestling on 20 Dec 2018
Ticket sales from MITCHELLMANIA event held in Wellington. Awesome night for a Legend of a guy. Good luck Mitchell, bring us some merch back my man. Once the rest of the ticket sales get paid the full amount will follow. It was truly our honour to put this event on for you.
Jarrod and Marie
Jarrod and Marie on 20 Dec 2018
Monolith on 20 Dec 2018
Dylan roberts
Dylan roberts on 20 Dec 2018

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Vinny Dunn's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Vinny Dunn on behalf of Mitchell Fels and family
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This campaign started on 22 Aug 2018 and ended on 20 Dec 2018.