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Getting chest binders to trans and non-binary people in Africa, Latin America + Central Asia

$3,091 of $2,800 goal
Given by 46 generous donors in 9 weeks

Help us buy materials for trans masculine and non-binary people in Africa, Latin America + Central Asia to make their own chest binders.


Chest binders are really important for many trans masculine and non-binary people. They are essential for many people’s social transitioning and body dysphoria. However, in lots of countries, chest binders or the fabric to make them are not available. Even if the binders can be bought online from overseas, very few people can afford them.

Can you help us buy materials for trans masculine and non-binary people in Africa, Latin America, Central Asia (and hopefully other parts of Asia and the Pacific), so they can make their own chest binders?

We have found the binder fabric in Asia, have a sewing pattern and can transport the fabric when activists are travelling to international or regional meetings.

The urgent priority is to raise NZD 1,400 / USD 1,000 by 7 May. This means we could order binder fabric to take to activists from Africa, Latin America and Central Asia who are at a meeting together in early July.

Our second goal is to raise NZD 2,800 / USD 2,000 by the end of June so that activists can buy the other materials locally that they need to make the binders. These include velcro, hooks, and dri-fit fabric for hot climates.

If we raise more money, we will order more binder fabric for these regions and also for activists to distribute in the Pacific and parts of South Asia and Southeast Asia.

In the future, if we find other funds, we hope some trans and non-binary people in these regions can start producing low-costs binders locally for others who need them, especially those who are poor.

Thank you for being part of this international campaign - and Sam Orchard (roostertailscomic.com) for creating the image for our fundraiser.

Alex Castillo (Guatemala), Jabu Pereira (South Africa), Jack Byrne (Aotearoa / New Zealand), Joe Wong (Singapore / Thailand) and Sanjar Kurmanov (Kyrgyzstan)

Jack Byrne's involvement (page creator)

This is a fundraiser with 4 other trans men from around the world. The others are Alex Castillo (Guatemala), Jabu Pereira (South Africa), Sanjar Kurmanov (Kyrgyzstan) and Joe Wong (Thailand). Alex, Jabu, Sanjar, and Joe will distribute the chest binder fabric (and money for other materials) within their regions.

Use of funds

Money raised by 7 May will be used to order binder fabric to take to activists from Africa, Latin America and Central Asia in July. Money raised by 30 June will pay for other materials local activists need to make the binders and/or more binder fabric.

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Latest update

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The binder fabric is on its way  30 June 2018

Thank you so much to everyone who donated to this fundraiser. Your generosity is astounding. We reached our goal! :)

This fundraiser closes in less than 2 hours, so I'm not sure if we will be able to post photos once we are together distributing the fabric in 1-2 days' time. Instead, I have posted a photo from Joe of some of the binder fabric he purchased in Bangkok.

We are really excited about the immediate outcome for trans and non-binary people in Africa, Central America and Central Asia - and are also very keen to think of ways to build on this momentum. Our hope is that making binders may become a small social enterprise for some activists. Thank you all for such a very practical demonstration of international solidarity.

Joe, Sanjar, Jabu, Alex and Jack

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Latest donations

Taine on 26 Jun 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Jun 2018
Happy birthday, Jack.
Sangita Singh
Sangita Singh on 23 Jun 2018
<3 with lots of love. Sally and Sangita
Tommie.C on 23 Jun 2018
Small contribution to FTM bros across the globe.
yann on 20 Jun 2018

Who's involved?

Jack Byrne's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Jack Byrne on behalf of To purchase chest binder fabric for trans men in Africa, Latin America, and Asia
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This campaign started on 22 Apr 2018 and ended on 30 Jun 2018.