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Giving Back to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) & Childrens' Ward, Dunedin Hospital

  • Raffles

      11 March 2018

    Just an update to let you know I have two raffles around town. Currently selling tickets at the Galleon Family Complex and Lagonda Tea Rooms.

    Mum and I are about to launch another one as we have been fortunate enough to receive a Volts Cricket Shirt for Derek de Boorder (14) to raffle. Locations of this raffle will be advised very shortly.

    Thank you for sharing the love and support of a cause that has been very close to my family's hearts.

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  • Thank You

      15 February 2018

    Andrew is humbled by the donations he has received to date. It doesn't matter how much people can afford to donate. It all adds up.

    He is currently planning some wee projects to help reach his target.

    Thanks again. You are all awesome.

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