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Glimmering Sea

  • Our boat is inbound!

      3 March 2024
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    Having recently completing her second Atlantic crossing, our Rannoch 25 rowing boat is now on its way back to the UK from Antigua. We expect her to arrive sometime in early to mid-April, and after inspection/any necessary repairs we’ll take possession and begin training. Exciting times… watch this space!

    Nicky & Bob :)

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  • Never2Late update

      31 January 2024
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    Jim and Ian of team Never2Late, despite enduring knockdowns and injuries, are now two thirds of the way across the Atlantic. We’re willing them to survive the ordeal… not least because theirs is the actual boat we’ll be using in our own transatlantic rowing attempt beginning in December this year! They started out on 13 Dec 2023… brutal :)

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  • Closer yet!

      30 November 2023
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    The current owners of our rowing boat are heading to La Gomera to prepare for the start of this year's Race on 12th December. Meanwhile, we are continuing our training regimes and will be moving up to the UK early next year in anticipation of taking delivery of our boat sometime in April. Fundraising continues, with the Canterbury Officers' Club raising $3000 through a generous auction of their silverware, together with the donation of a pair of brand new oars. Exciting times!

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  • We have reserved a boat!

      12 August 2023
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    We have now secured a Rannoch R25 by putting down a 25% deposit. Provided she gets through the Atlantic race starting December this year, we’ll take delivery on her return to the UK in late April 2024. A quick survey, payment of the balance due, and then we’ll be out training in the North Sea. Exciting stuff! Please keep your support coming… it’s vital to success! More to follow… :)

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  • Reactivated donations page

      15 May 2023

    We are now moving into the next phase of our campaign, which will include procuring a rowing boat and approaching potential corporate sponsors. Wish us luck!

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    • 16/05/2023 by Peter

      Good luck to you both! Truly amazing undertaking but if anyone can do it you guys can……I’m stood by as a reserve, just saying.

    • 17/05/2023 by The Glimmering Sea Trust

      Thanks Pete!