Please help Graces family to support her on the road to recovery
Our darling Grace is currently being treated in ICU Auckland Hospital.
She contracted listeria meningitis which has led to Encephalitis.
She is now in a coma and receiving IV antibiotics to treat the infection
She was medically evacuated from Rarotonga where she and her partner Theo were working as teachers.
We would like to raise money to support her ongoing recovery and rehabilitation. And also to support her immediate family as they in turn support her.
Most of her immediate family live and work distanced from Auckland.
Ultimately this is all about Grace. If we can support her family so that they in turn can support her.
You as donors can help to make that happen.
Any donation however small will help to make that happen.
I am a family friend
The money will initially be used to cover expenses re accomodation and travel to Auckland for Graces family. This will be re-evaluated as Grace begins her long term recovery and the ongoing financial needs for that
Update from Grace 20 September 2020
" Thank you all so much for your messages and donations.
I'm getting better each day but I'm finding it hard.
I'm looking forward to walking again and going to Sophie's wedding"
Grace is working incredibly hard to reach her goals.
In the four and a half months since her admission to Auckland Hospital she has astounded us with her progress.Its exhausting and frustrating for her but she has never given up.We could not be more proud of her.
Today she was able to get out and enjoy the sunshine with some of her support team.
To all of you, her wider support team
Thankyou xxxx