Have we normalized homelessness????

$283 donated
Given by 11 generous donors in around 3 months

Desperately Needing to raise money and land to build a Sanctuary for Our homeless living in Auckland


We are homeless no more Aotearoa - a small but passionate group made up of family and friends. We've been feeding clothing providing shoes bags and other necessity items to our homeless living on the streets in Auckland CBD for 5 and a half months now, and have subjected ourselves to the brutal reality that we have a BIG PROBLEM with homelessness, or shall I say as the term homelessness is also known as "rough sleepers". I don't understand the term "rough sleeping". I fall asleep on my 2 seater couch and wake up in the middle of the night with a stiff neck. I think that is rough sleeping!.

Every week on a Monday we go into the city to distribute to the homeless, and some not so homeless, but who are we to judge. I've identified so many things whilst been on Queen St for distributions, and know why this issue exists. WE AS A SOCIETY HAVE FAILED THEM. Where have the family caring, community caring disappeared to??, Have we become so selfish that we turn a blind eye and a dulled heart when we see a need?

Well I'm just one person with a small but compassionate group. I'm angry at the normalization of poverty and the uncaring nature. These homeless people in Beautiful Aotearoa New Zealand are in need of a caring home and environment. We can give them a bed in a lodge, or a housing NZ home, but what are the chances they will end back up on the streets????, take a guess?. They have complex issues that mostly stem back to childhood. They need to be in an environment that will be accepting and have the services and caring compassionate people to help them find their passion, and in finding their passion, they would know their purpose in life which will be a healthy wholesome meaningful and contributing back to our society in a positive way of living.

This is what they need!,

This is what our society needs!

This is what I need!, I Love them, and I care about them, and I and my small but passionate team of volunteers need your HELP!!!!

Please don't turn a blind eye to this, Please don't ignore our plea for financial help and for LAND. We need LAND to develop a sanctuary for them and we need money.

NOTE: Any surplus funds raised will go toward developing Sanctuaries in other areas within NZ affected with homelessness and poverty.

Please go to our website for more info: communityserviceconnect.org.nz


Use of funds

To lease land in Auckland, if there are no gifters of land and to build a Sanctuary utilizing earth friendly materials and reusing revamping reclycled products to build cabins(PIPI SHELTERS), workshops(PAUA), knowledge centre(KINA).

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 31 Jan 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Jan 2018
Shukran for making the time... may The Almighty reward you all and ease your path InshaAllah
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Jan 2018
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 17 Jan 2018
May Allah reward you sis!
Fuad Bagus
Fuad Bagus on 16 Jan 2018
Awesome work and initiative. So proud to see this happening.

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Community Service Connect Limited (Group)
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This campaign started on 17 Dec 2017 and ended on 17 Mar 2018.