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12 days ago

Jess asks

Hi Lynn, how much more money is still required to secure a spot for your granddaughter's surgery?


Hello Jess,

Currently our account balance (inclusive of this months givealittle donations still to be paid out) is sitting at just on $100k plus we have approx $45K sitting in Germany (fluctuates with currency conversion) so another $40K should expenses covered. Grae and I had additional funds set aside to help with top up, however now that Trinity's immediate Nutritional & Hydrational needs plus some surgical have required private funding our reserve funds have become seriously depleted. The girls are also looking at organising another fundraiser (possibly October) so fingers crossed that nothing else occurs, we should be looking at early 2025 for Trinity to head to Germany.

Lynn Hankey
on 8 Apr 2024

June asks

Hi Lynn,

I note above that Professor Sandman found May-Thurner syndrome , the connective tissue syndrome. And also one renal vein compression. Is this perhaps good news as you mentioned more, I believe? Just hoping things go easier for her during surgery.


Hi June, Please don't take this as gospel as there is just so much going on for our Trinity at present and symptoms etc seem to be changing daily. At this point in time Professor Sandmann has confirmed 4 (maybe 5) compressions from the Scans that Anna sent from here. Anna was also informed of the high possibility of more being detected once she and Trinity get to Germany and have the imaging done over there as per Prof Sandmanns requirements.

Lynn Hankey
on 11 Dec 2023

Michael asks

What have the German doctor said about surgery in Germany? like when will it happen etc


Hello Michael, thank you for your interest.

Proffessor Sandmann has done a preliminary consult and diagnosis from scans and tests that we had sent to him. From these tests alone he has diagnosed Trinity with scoliosis, May-Thurner syndrome, medium arcuate ligamentum syndrome and left renal vein compression.

A Surgery date has NOT been set yet due to the fact that we need first off to have the funds necessary to get to Germany and for cost of surgery. If we can not raise the funds necessary then it will not be an option for us 😢.

Lynn Hankey
on 27 Oct 2023

Michael asks

Kia Ora,

What airline are you flying with?

Have you asked them for help? Sometimes they will give free upgrades or flights when approached. I believe some airlines allow people to transfer air miles, check with the airline. If they do then you can ask people to donate air miles. Also post-covid a lot of people have credit with airlines that may be transferable.

Kia kaha.

Kind regards,



Hello Michael,

Thank you for your enquiry and suggestions. With regard to Airline, we have not given that any thought at present as we are still a long way off $ target to be able to confirm surgery travel. Much as we would love to believe that we could be looking at surgery within in the next month or so the reality is we just do not know, and we do not really want to put ourselves under any more pressure than what we are currently dealing with. Once we get a little closer to attaining our goal we will relook at your suggestions. Thank you.

Lynn Hankey

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