Heart surgery for our newborn Son

$10,892 donated
Given by 203 generous donors in around 6 months

To help our family stay together in Auckland whilst Cameron has his treatment and we can bring him home


Cameron was born on 30th of October, having found out 3 weeks earlier that he has a few issues with his heart. He had a narrow aorta, small left ventricle, an AV canal defect (hole in his heart) and malformed tricuspid and mitral valves. He had his first open heart surgery at 3 days old to repair these problems which turned into a 7.5hr operation as his valves couldn't take the pressure. After a rocky couple of weeks, they had to go back in for a second surgery to repair his mitral valve which seemed to be doing the trick until last week when we were taken aside by doctors and told to prepare for the worst. Our wee fighter decided to try and prove them wrong however and this week has come along in leaps and bounds! Whilst he's not out of the woods by a long shot, he seems to be becoming a miracle baby. Whilst all this has been happening, my employer and I have come to the mutual decision that as I can't give them a return date I have had to offer my resignation. Unfortunately as our house was part of the package, this has left us without income or a home. HeartKids have generously found a trucking company to truck our vehicle up from south Canterbury to Auckland free of charge, which means I'll be able to find some work up here for next few months.

Use of funds

The money will be spent on day to day expenses for my partner and daycare for our 2yr old back home so I can work. Any surplus will be donated to Ronald McDonald House Charities as without them, we couldn't have been together as a family during this.

Latest update

Gratitude   16 December 2018

Thank you so much everyone, this has been such a humbling experience for all of us!!

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 18 Apr 2019
L M Motu
L M Motu on 19 Feb 2019
God bless your little angel.
Ashley Beazer
Ashley Beazer on 11 Feb 2019
Good Luck Rich, hope things start looking up for the family. Sending thoughts from across the pond!!
Agnieszka on 10 Feb 2019
Come on strong rooster, get well soon, u have to play for all blacks in 18 years time!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Feb 2019

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Richard  Davison 's avatar
Created by Richard Davison, paying to a verified bank account of Richard Davison
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This campaign started on 12 Nov 2018 and ended on 13 May 2019.