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Heart surgery for our newborn Son

on 16 Dec 2018

Kate asks

Hi beautiful family, we’re headed down south for Xmas and our 4 bedroom house is available for you to use. It comes complete with big Xmas tree, pool and an angry cat. We live in Meadowbank, which is about a 15min drive to Starship. There’s a car in the garage you can use too. It will be free from Sat 22nd until Fri 4th Jan. let me know if you’re interested and we can meet this week to give you the keys and show you around. Much love, Kate & Kristian x


Wow thank you so much for this truely amazing offer! I’ll have a chat to Ange and let you know. It’s so very humbling to get all this love and support it’s really blown us away!

Richard Davison
on 16 Dec 2018

Tony asks

Hi Richard

I have a general engineering business in South Auckland. Give me a call if you are looking for work.


Tony Cranch



Thank you so much for the offer Tony. I’ll definitely give you a call once our vehicle gets up here and I have the means to get places. Once again thank you so much

Richard Davison

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