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Help 3 year old Natália thrive

  • We are very happy to bring this fantastic news:

      31 August 2023
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    Natália has finally had surgery and is doing well recovery wise!

    We have already seen a huge improvement in her sleep but we now have the challenge of helping her regain a good relationship with food

    Since she would always feel pain while eating she got used to eating only the bare minimum to get by which caused her to be underweight and way below her growth percentile

    She’s seeing a dietitian who’s prescribed her a few supplements to help and speed up her weight gain as well as provide some extra vitamins.

    We understand this will be a slow process but we are relieved as we know it is the start of a new better life to her.

    Once again, I wanted to say thank you so much to every single one of you who has contributed to this. We’ll never forget about everyone’s love and generosity!

    Our best wishes to all of you!

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    • 31/08/2023 by Fiona Watson

      That is wonderful news! I hope she continues to thrive 😊

  • One million times THANK YOU!!!

      30 July 2023
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    We are so overwhelmed by everyone’s generosity and love shown to our little girl. It’s hard to find words to describe how we are feeling at the moment. Creating this page came out of a moment of much sadness and desperation and we thought we would get some help, but we never expected so many people would reach out to us and wanting to help. Today, seeing how far we’ve come it took us a long time just trying to process everything.

    I can’t thank enough every single one of you who donated, shared our page, prayed for Natália and felt empathetic towards us. It brings tears of joy to my face and I will have this forever in my heart.

    NZ people are indeed one of the most kind hearted and generous in the world!

    God bless every single one of you and your families ❤️❤️❤️

    We are waiting on confirmation for surgery date and will update as soon as we know.

    Taís, Adam, Natália and Noah

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    • 31/08/2023 by Esmay

      So thrilled to hear your wonderful news and progress may it now keep getting better.

      Very happy for you all 💝💝💝