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Help Baby Robin fight cancer

  • Tragic update today

      19 March 2024
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    Hello beautiful friends of Robin.

    Our beautiful, brave boy passed away on Friday in our arms, at home in London.

    We all fought so hard and we cannot thank you enough for joining this fight and making the impossible possible.

    His farewell ceremony will be in London this Friday.

    Please get in touch if you'd to attend.

    We are heartbroken and proud in equal measure. The leftover funds will go towards honouring this remarkable human who chose us as his parents.

    Thank you for being by our sides.

    Rachel and Nick.

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  • Remission Road is still bumpy

      7 February 2024
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    We are sorry for the radio silence. To be honest, we have both struggled with the news that our beautiful (now two-year-old) boy needed more chemotherapy and more radiotherapy.

    Unfortunately, Robin is still struggling with a few, stubborn “hotspots” so we will be a little less active on the update front, while these are worked on and until we have some (hopefully positive) news soon.

    On a happier note, if Robin could articulate some of the two or three words he is currently learning to say each day into sentences, then he would tell you that he is feeling very well at the moment. His latest words are “cat” “hat” “hot” “ball” “hola” “agua” “car” “brum” (we think this is “drum”!) And by way of showing off his determination and resilience, Robin is also pulling himself up to stand and taking his first steps 😊 These experiences are absolutely golden for us, and are in such contrast to so much of the last year.

    We can’t publish it without thanking all of you again. We will be in touch when we have further news.

    Lots of love from us 3.

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  • The end of an era: Please urgently donate £20 today so he can begin the new one…

      12 December 2023
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    Robin has, just had his last radiotherapy session in Barcelona. For the last four weeks, we have been taking him to Teknon – a specialist medical centre – at 8am for 1 minute of radiation under general anaesthetic. It has been tough on Robin, but he always came out smiling every time.

    Robin also finished his chemotherapy last week and from now on, all being well, he will have what he originally came here for – 5 months of "next generation" immunotherapy. Following his radiation and two months of chemoimmuno treatment, these infusions will help to train Robin's immune system to recognise neuroblastoma cells at the get-go and prevent the cancer from returning. Thanks to all of you, Robin is fortunate enough to be having this treatment at the top paediatric cancer hospital in Europe. He is in the best place having the best thing and we couldn't be more grateful for that.

    To start this next chapter in Robin’s treatment we need to ask Robin’s friends, all of you who have helped him get to him here, to help us raise £7,717 by Thursday.

    The road is still a long one but we can now see the end of it.

    Thank you, once again!

    Rachel, Nick and Robin xxx

    P.s. Robin now has a dedicated Facebook Page. please join us there if you can.

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  • Go Robin!

      29 November 2023

    Hello lovely friends of Robin 🥰

    Our brave little boy had his last radiotherapy session this morning (it was an emotional farewell from the nurses - they have been so amazing with him over the past four weeks!)

    Robin has also finished chemotherapy FOREVER - yay 🥳and if we can raise £7,717 by Thursday, he can have his last treatment of 2023 and his first of five immunotherapy-only cycles - the treatment we originally brought him to Barcelona for.

    Can you help us raise this by donating £20 (or whatever you can).

    Please also share far and wide and thank you so much for helping our Robin survive cancer.

    Rachel and Nick Samuel

    #GivingTuesday #HighRiskNeuroblastoma #raiseitforrobin #hesgotafriend #Neuroblastoma #childhoodcancer

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  • Thank you!!!!

      24 November 2023
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    This morning, Robin had his last dose of his 2nd immunotherapy cycle.

    What has become apparent throughout these past months, is that the amazing people helping Robin through this aren't just ‘supporters’, they are friends. And we couldn’t be more grateful – thank you.

    On Monday and Tuesday, a group of Robin’s smaller friends, pupils from Nick’s school in North London, ran a very impressive bake sale for Robin. There was SO MUCH cake, in fact, it was difficult to fit them all into a single photograph, or even a single day!

    We have, so far, raised almost half what we need.

    Please help us raise the rest.

    #RaiseItForRobin #HesGotaFriend #RobinsFriends

    If everyone here donated $22 now, in Robin’s 22nd month, this would raise enough for the remainder of his December treatment.

    Thank you – Rachel, Nick and Robin xxx

    "You just call out my name

    And you know wherever I am

    I'll come running

    To see you again

    Winter, spring, summer, or fall

    All you have to do is call

    And I'll be there

    You've got a friend"

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