After battling Topical Steroid Withdrawal for over 4 years, I am now raising funds for CAP treatment in Thailand.
Halswell, Christchurch
Hi everyone, for those of you who don’t know me, I’m Becky and I have been battling topical steroid withdrawal for the past 4 1/2 years.
I have used topical and oral steroids (as directed by doctors and dermatologists) to manage my eczema since a child. Unfortunately, the long term use of steroids have made my skin worse and put me into a serious drug withdrawal, known as Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW).
This condition has left me house bound, unable to sleep, in extreme pain and discomfort as my skin continues to have rebound flares. Daily I suffer from inflamed burning skin, a bone-deep itch, skin lacerations, oozing and crusting. Along with battling multiple skin infections due to the damage the withdrawal has caused to my skin.
I have tried everything. I have seen dermatologists and naturopaths, I have tried immunosuppressants, light therapy and creams, supplements, diet changes, testing, only to find myself still in this life controlling condition.
I have become so unwell that I struggle to work and I don't have much of a life outside of my home. I am unable to do the things I love, and I am constantly missing out on events like celebrations and weddings.
I am now raising funds to head to Thailand to receive Cold Atmospheric Plasma Therapy. This is proving to be very successful for TSW sufferers and is highly effective in reversing skin thinning from steroid use. After speaking with multiple people who have received treatment, I am confident this will give me my life back.
Any funds raised will be used towards treatment costs, visas, flights and accommodation regardless of reaching the goal
Thank you + an update from me 8 February 2025
Hi everyone,
Firstly I would like to say a massive thank you to each and every one of you for your kind and generous donations, and for the supportive messages I have received. I am extremely grateful for your help in getting me the treatment I desperately need. It wasn’t easy putting this out there and sharing myself in such a vulnerable light, but I have been blown away by the support.
I am excited to share that I have booked my flight to Thailand and will be receiving my first CAP treatment on 27th Feb. From there I will be receiving 1 X treatment per week for the duration of 5 months. I am so eager to start treatment and to get healing underway.
I will keep you updated on my healing journey.
Thanks again,